Some Non Muslims Wont Understand Hijab and Thats Okay

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Salam I will be talking about how some non Muslims won't understand certain stuff like hijab.

Non Muslims no matter how hard we try to explain they usually always come back with something like "God doesn't want you to hide" or "You have beautiful hair why hide it God gave it to you for a reason"
Or how we won't be able to play sports because it's a health hazard and if we want to play sports we have to take it off show our hair then put it back and God won't care.
Hijab is a commitment of all forms not just a scarf.   But if you do decide to put on a scarf yes you can take it off but with hijab you are more protected not just from men but.

But yes some non Muslims won't understand that or why we wear it. Even if we tell them. Some will tell us like I have been told that I don't wear hijab for God I only wear it to appease the Muslim community.
  Now Alhamduilah I was never forced to wear it or take it off I held tightly to my hijab despite the circumstances. 
But how are people going to tell me why I'm wearing it? They aren't me and they don't know my relationship with Allah SWT. 
I have had people say that in years I will take it off because I will have self confidence. So they
are saying that I don't have self confidence without hijab? Yeah no. When I first reverted to Islam I didn't immediately put on hijab and I had self confidence and when I put on hijab I had the courage to go outside looking visibly Muslim. All the females that wear hijab have so much courage and self confidence because a lot of people are against us.
I am not taking off my hijab. InshaAllah. I have no plans. For as long as I have been wearing it if I were to go outside without it I wouldn't feel covered it would be totally different.
   I love hijab. I love Islam. Alhamduilah Allah SWT guided me to Islam.

But despite the fact what I have been told and maybe what you have been told. It's alright that they don't understand. Maybe in the future they will maybe they won't. We are all on our own paths.  
If you don't wear hijab I'm not hating on you at all because like I said we are all on our own paths of faith and I was a non hijabi and I always got questioned that if I am a Muslim why don't I wear hijab. Everyone has their own relationship with Allah SWT.

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