Storytime: I got asked a million and one questions

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Salam Everyone! Today I will be telling you about how I got asked a million and one questions.

So I was sitting in class and these two girls non Muslim but question their faith sit in front of me at my table.
So they start asking me questions like
"Have you ever been to the Middle East?"
"Will you go to the Middle East?"
"Aren't you scared to go to the Middle East?"
"Why do muslim girls wear hijab?"
"Can you date? You aren't over there so you can date."
"Can you speak Arabic?"
"Can men have more then one wife?"
"Have you ever ate pork?"
"Have you ever wondered what it tasted like?"
And so on.
Now I have no problem with questions they actually are kinda my high light because it shows people are curious and want to get the actual knowledge. Plus they were respectful for the most part. I don't date that's haram and I don't care if I'm in the Middle East or not it's not a cultural thing it's a religious thing doesn't matter where I'm at I'm still following my religion.
They got into stereotypes like murder and stuff and I told them it's not really like that.
Also why would I be scared to go to the Middle East? Anywhere isn't 100% safe. Just going outside in the West is a huge risk.
A lot people don't think I'm American like really? I was born in America I was raised in America and I reverted to Islam.
Now actually my father was Muslim for four years before my sister and I were born and then became non practicing.
This other girl who refers to me as "you" and "her" who I get so annoyed at because I'm a human with a name but I keep my cool. So she made a comment about "ooo he changed his religion"
I gave her the weirdest look ever and I'm like "No. He just isn't practicing."
And she got quiet.
I think there are three things that get under my skin.
1. Insulting Islam
2.Insulting my family
3 Insulting my friends.

I have absolutely no problem with questions ask away because I enjoy answering them as long as they are asked respectfully. The second they are asked rudely it gets annoying.
Another thing a lot of people think they know more about my religion then I do.
I studied Islam for years and I'm still studying and I practice my religion. So how is a person who only gets their information from the biased media and is a non Muslim and doesn't have any Muslim friends or family going to tell me what's in my religion and what's not.
Doesn't make sense.

Back to the story later on they asked if a man can have multiple wives.
Now it is true men can have multiple wives but we muslim females have a say. The man can't have another wife if his first wife doesn't agree to it. Plus the man has to be financially, and mentally stable and he has to treat the wives equally and most Muslim men don't even practice polygamy. Also look at the Mormons they practice polygamy Utah is known as the polygamy state.

  InshaAllah you enjoyed  this story/rant. Salam!

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