Questions I get Asked

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"Do you wear the hijab in the shower?"
"Are you Hindi?"
"Are you Arab?"
"If your not Arab how are you Muslim?"
"Sooo you don't believe in Jesus?"
"Are you vegetarian?"
"How can you live without bacon?"
"What happens if you eat pork?"
"Can you touch a pig?"
"Are you just scared of pigs?"
"Can you date?"
"Do you marry outside your religion?"
"Is your whole family Muslim?"
"Are you illegal?"
"Are you forced to wear the hijab?"
"Are you allowed to swear?"
"Are you devoted to your faith or not?"
"Do you actually believe in Islam or are you secretly a Christian?"
"Islam is a religion not a race."
"I don't believe he is a son I believe he's a prophet."
"I don't eat bacon it's not a thing I love or even like."
"I violate my religion."
"I'm not."
"No I get courted by other Muslims when I'm older and if Allah SWT wills it ."
"No they aren't."
"I was born here."
"Nope it's my choice."
"No and I don't want to."
"I am devoted."
"I believe in Islam if I didn't I wouldn't be a Muslim I'm not forced."

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