Importance of Ramadan

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Salam Everyone! Ramadan Kareem May Allah SWT forgive us for all our sins.
Today I will be talking about the importance of Ramadan.
Ramadan is the ninth month and it's a very important month for all Muslims.

•Ramadan is the month the Holy Quran was revealed.
•Fasting in Ramadan is one of the five pillars of faith
•Fasting helps Taqwa (performing actions that please Allah SWT and abstaining from those actions that displease Him)
•Ramadan is very much known to be the month of Quran. So it's recommended to read and study the Holy Quran.
•Laylat al- Qadr or The Night of Power/ The Night of Decree  in this month is better then 1,000 months
•In Ramadan the gates of Jannah (Heaven, Paradise) open up and the gates of the Fire are closed and the devils are chained
•Umrah (shorter pilgrimage) in Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj
•It's a very rewarding act to offer Iftar (sunset meal to break the fast) in Ramadan to those who are fasting
•Highly recommended to give zakat (2.5% of your earnings) and Sadaqah (voluntary charity) in Ramadan
• It is said in a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW that fasting in Ramadan out of sincere faith and in hope of reward we will be forgiven of all our sins

What are your Ramadan goals this year? I pray you complete your goals and inshAllah you will. My goals this year are to perfect my Arabic  because I can't read the calligraphy but I can read it if you write it if I'll understand it that's another thing completely. Another goal of mine is to memorize more of the Quran especially Surah Al Baqara. I hope you guys are having a great day InshaAllah you are. I'll see you next chapter InshaAllah.

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