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Salam today I will be talking about heartbreak. Heartbreak is a serious topic because it can happen to anyone.

Heartbreak is the feeling where all the butterflies you got just went away. It could have been because of someone rejecting you or ending a haram relationship and still having feelings for that person. It can also not be romantic but today we will focus on the romantic heartbreak but you can apply these tips to anything.

So, love and marriage are done for the sake of Allah SWT. So when we get heartbroken it's usually because the love wasn't done for the sake of Allah SWT but instead disobeying Allah and His commands. As we put a person in front of Allah SWT and we shouldn't have because the only thing we should be worried about pleasing is Allah SWT and not ourselves.
So how do we get over heartbreak? There are a couple things you can do.

1. Pray: Prayer is the most important thing to do because Allah SWT knows our hearts and our feelings and our actions He makes it easy for us.

2. Trust in His plan: I know we might of thought we loved this person and when that person gets taken away we might think it's the end of the world. But it's not trust me you're going to get through this trust in Him. He is the best of planners and Allah SWT has the perfect plan for us.

3. Distance yourself: Distance yourself from that person and things that remind you of the person because if you don't it's only going to make it harder.

4. Acceptance: This wasn't meant to be and that's okay. You'll find someone perfect for you InshaAllah. Just be patient.

Sometimes heartbreak can be beneficial because we might have been straying from the deen and not realizing by missing fajr or not reading the Quran as often. But that heartbreak might push you closer to Allah SWT in a way you may not even know.

"Allahumma aslih qalbi"
"Ya Allah, fix my heart"

Remember to have patience and full trust in Allah SWT. You will get through this. Allah doesn't burden a soul with more than the soul can bear.
   Salam Alaikum May Allah SWT forgive us all. Ameen.

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