Friendship token [Kim Dahyun]

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Before I begin, here are some things to take note!

____ is your best friend :))

~Requested by Josh031398~

I sat quietly at my study table, in front of my computer and crossing my fingers while constantly looking at the clock.

The words, 'TWICE FAN MEETING ticket available in 37 seconds', was displayed on my computer screen as the timer was counting down to the release of the fan meeting ticket.

I took a breath, almost ready to compete with millions of people in the world for the ticket, the chance to be able to see TWICE in person.

I was ready, my fingers were warming up, ready to type and click as fast as I could, but just as the timer reaches 5, my computer went out.

"Are you kidding me? At this time?!" I frantically spammed the power button hoping that the screen would go back on.

But to my dismay, it was the battery that went out as I hurriedly plugged in my charger and switched it back on.

The screen lit up again but unfortunately, the tickets were already sold out, I was too late.

I buried my face into my palms and calmed my nerves down before I rage any further than I possibly could.

The next day, I walked to my school in utter disappointment with myself and my computer.

My best friend, _____, tapped my shoulder but her face changed when she saw the look on my face.

"What's wrong with you? Are you okay?" She placed her hand on my shoulder.

I cried onto her shoulder, disregarding the number of people staring at me and judging me.

"I missed the chance to meet TWICE... My computer went out as soon as I was about to but the tickets to their fan meeting..."

I sober miserably into her shoulder as she pats my head to comfort me, "It's okay, I wanted to tell you something as well, I managed to get 2 tickets for their fan meeting..."

I looked up to see her smiling face, "Are you serious?", she nods her head as she strokes my hair.

I hugged her in gratitude and wiped my tears, "Thank you so much!"

"Well, I know that it is going to be your birthday soon so I thought that this would be a good gift and I didn't want you t go alone so I decided to get 2 so I could go with you and maybe we could spend more time together!"

The bell rang, cutting us off from our beautiful moment, I hugged her for the last time before both of us went to the classroom and sat on our respective seats.

Throughout the day, I felt excited knowing that I finally have a chance to meet TWICE, I finally have the chance to meet Dahyun.

I got back home and quickly shot my family a short text, "I'll be going to Korea for vacation during the summer break, don't worry I will take good care of myself."

They replied with a "Sure, take care!", as I sighed in relief knowing that they allow me to go to Korea.

~Time Skip~

The day is finally approaching as the summer break just started, everyone is going with friends and hanging out while I started to pack my luggage for the trip to Korea.

"And that's all settled!" I exclaimed as I place my hands on my hips after I finished packing the last thing on my packing list.

I gave my _____ a call as I plopped on the bed, the phone continued to ring as she finally picked up after 10 seconds.

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