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Chapter : BJ?

Idol chosen : Minatozaki Sana

Do you wish to enter a world of imagination?


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"And that's the end of our broadcast today! Please so tune into my channel more often! Thanks for watching!"

I waved at the camera and switched the live broadcast off.

I sighed as I looked at my desk, "It's time to clean your desk, Y/N-ah…"

I mumbled to myself and hummed to 'Fancy' by TWICE as I tidied my desk.

I kept all my filming equipment and once I was done, I got a call from someone.


I chuckled after hearing her voice.

"Yes, Sana?"

"Can we have dinner together?"


"Let's meet at ____ by 7pm?"

"Ok, I'll be there on time!"


"See you later~"

I hung up the call and got up to get dressed.

I met Sana at the restaurant mentioned and ordered our food.

Having a conversation wasn't difficult at all since we were together for about 3 years.

"So how's work recently?"

I looked at Sana, a shocked expression carried on my face.

"What? Is something wrong?"

"Um…no…of course not!" I nervously chuckled as Sana looked at me with that suspicious look.

"Mhm...okay!" Sana smiled at me widely with her bubbly usual self.

We continued eating and chatting about all different types of stuff.

I was actually kind of worried that Sana would rage when I tell her that I quit my job.

Ah, should have asked her for advice first instead of taking matters into my hands.

Okay so here's the tea, I quit ny job as a office manager to become a Blog Jockey which has been my dream until now.

When I was young, I would watch those Bloggers and wish that I could be like them.

You know, just do some random stuff and the money comes rolling in.

Currently, I'm doing some body gag to entertain my viewers since I like to make people laugh.

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