T~T Stop It [Minnie]

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It was another fine day at the Idle's dorm and everyone is taking a afternoon nap.

Minnie was extremely tired since she spent the previous night watching her favorite movie.

She started dreaming about her crush, Y/N. He was their choreographer and he was always nice to everyone.

Maybe that's why Minnie has a crush on him. That particular dream made her smile.

She's imagining Y/N holding her hand while walking along the beach.

They stopped and Y/N just stares into her eyes and smiles as he leans in and gives her a sweet and passionate kiss.

In reality...
Yuqi is staring at her band mate in disbelief and Minnie just smiles in her sleep.

Yuqi swears she heard Minnie call out Y/N's name. That was the reason why she woke up and stood beside Minnie.

Yuqi took out the phone and started recording Minnie in her sleep.

Minnie called out Y/N's name again and her lips puckered.

Yuqi held in her laugh and continued recording. When she thought that it was enough, she stopped recording.

Yuqi left the bedroom to see the other members awake already.

She smirked to herself as she thought of an idea.

She wanted to take revenge on Minnie since Minnie teased the previous week.

Yuqi announced to everyone that she had something to show them and everyone gathered around her.

She played the video she recorded just a few minutes ago and everyone started teasing Minnie among themselves.

Yuqi may seem like a bad person but deep in her heart she loves and adores her Minnie unnie a lot.

The 5 members planned something to tease the innocent little.

When Minnie woke up, Miyeon got up to her and asked a simple question, "Are you dating? Do you have a crush?"

"Unnie-ah...why are you suddenly asking these kind of question? Unless... you have a crush?"

Minnie wiggled her eyebrows and looked at Miyeon as she blushed a little.

"So, who is it?" Minnie asked. "I think I like Y/N..." Miyeon says shyly trying very hard not to laugh.

And the others who are sitting down 'doing nothing' were trying very hard not to snicker and laugh.

Minnie smiles at her but was very disappointed that Miyeon 'likes' Y/N as well but she tries her best to hide it.

The others were actually recording their conversation and recording Minnie's reaction but they cover it up by 'using' social media.

Minnie gave Miyeon some encouragement and then entered the bathroom to freshen up.

Soft sobs were audible as the others were outside the bathroom listening to poor Minnie brawling her eyes out.

Yuqi knocked on the door and asked if she could come in. Minnie hurriedly wiped her tears away and opened the door for her.

Yuqi hugged the latter and patted her back, "Unnie-ah, it was just a prank.... no one could take Y/N from you, right?"

Minnie looked the 5 of them and frowned.

"Well, I wasn't involved in the plan!"

"I am innocent too! Not my fault!"

"I don't know what is happening right now..."

Soyeon, Shuhua and Soojin said respectively. Minnie just looked at Miyeon.

"She was the one who showed us the video anyways. She dragged me into this!"

Miyeon exclaimed as she raised her arms and pointed to Yuqi before running off to Shuhua for cover.

Minnie looked at Yuqi for a moment, "What video?"

Yuqi just scratched her head and nervously laughed, "About that..."

"You know you shouldn't shout someone's name in the middle of your dream, Unnie..."

"Dream?" Minnie asked before remembering what she dreamt about.

She blushed a little and smiled to herself, "Unnie...Down to Earth Unnie!" Yuqi screamed that made Minnie looked at her.

Minnie giggles and just walked off like nothing happened.

Yuqi smiled to herself, "You really love Y/N right?" Minnie couldn't say a word except for nodding her head.

At that moment, the door unlocked and revealed a happy Y/N walking into the living room.

The 3 girls were smiling to themselves as he set food down on the table and looked at Minnie.

Minnie walks over to him 'trying' to look natural. He smiles and announced, "I bought food for you guys!"

"Why are you suddenly here?" Minnie questioned. "Oh, Soyeon told me to come and buy your favourite food. And Soojin opened the door for me."

Minnie stares at Soyeon who is 'innocently' staring right up into the ceiling as if there was a big hole there.

Minnie drew her attention to Y/N who starting sitting down and revealing all the food he bought.

The girls came and gathered around the table, gawking at all the food that is on the table.

They all starting to eat, including Minnie.
After eating all the delicious food, Minnie joins Y/N to help him clean up.

"Minnie, can you be honest with me?"

"Yeah, why?"

"What do you think of me?"

"Uh...you're handsome and tall and talented and um...I think I said too much..."

"Do you like me?"

"Yeah I mean, you are a great choreographer and you're really kind."

"I mean, as a crush..."

"I uh...yes..."

Minnie looked down, expecting something hurting to come out of your mouth.

You lifted her chin and connected your lips together with hers and both of you kissed.

"Ew! Go do it in your room guys!" You break the kiss and both of you looked at the direction the voice came from.

Yuqi was covering Shuhua's eyes. Yuqi walked back to her room with Shuhua.

"Y/N, can you be honest with me?"


"What did Soyeon tell you?"

"Uh...I am not supposed to tell but...she sent me a clip of you 'kind of' dreaming about me and told me to go to the dorm with your favourite food."

Minnie was clearly raging and she felt like going to Soyeon's room to strangle that girl right now.

"Oh and she sent me a video of your conversation with Miyeon about me."

At that moment, Minnie couldn't take it and let's just say something bad happened but no one died...LUCKILY...

Hey guys! So sorry for not updating on usual schedule. And apologies if this request took very long for me to write because I am feeling very shitty these few days so I don't want my works to be as shitty as me. So yeah...thanks to a particular someone I feel so shitty because I want to skin that person alive. So I really apologize if you guys are so done with me since I take so long to update, I promise that I will make it up to you guys after this shitty period. There are a lot more oneshots waiting for me to publish so stay tune for it. Also by the way, from 18-21 June I may not be updating (Author-nim, you are already not updating....Author: SHH! Don't expose me!) because I will be going for NPCC camp during this period. Hope guys have a nice day and until then, BYE BYE! LOVE YOU! NOT EDITED CUZ I AM LAZY AGAIN AND ALSO FEELING SHITTY! BYE!

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