Blissed [Soojin]

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I used to live alone and there was practically no one in my life.

I don't have a job and was living a good life.

You see, my father is a billionaire and I practically don't have to work.

Plus, I was home tutored and didn't have much contact with people thus I am an awkward person.

One fine day, I was in my bedroom playing my video games before I heard a knock on the other side of the door.

"Come in!" I turned around to see my father stepping into the room.

"What brings you here, dad?"

"You see, your mother and I were just discussing this matter for the past few days and I uh..."

"You're trying to get me to go out and meet new people right? No, I'm not doing it..."

"Why? For all you know, it won't be that bad..."

"I'm just not fit to be among the people and crowded places dad..."

"Why not give it a go? You'll never know unless you try right?"

I thought about what he said for a while and decided that maybe I could give it a go.

It may not be that bad after I right?

So that afternoon, my father brought me to a cafe to have lunch.

By the way, my father doesn't have any bodyguards to protect us because we think that it's just a waste of money.

My father told me that I should take an order by myself and experience what it's like.

As soon as it was my turn to order, I froze up. Like literally...

I admired her flowing red hair and her shining orbs it took me a while to admire all that beauty before she caught my attention.

"Um...sir...what would you like to have?"

"One C-caramel machiato and a l-lemongrass t-tea"

She smiled warmly at me key my order in the register.

I sat back down at my seat after paying for the bill.

"A caramel machiato and a lemongrass tea for Y/N!"

I got up and took the drinks and sat back down.

Straight away, my father knew that I had a crush on the girl and smired at me.

"I told you it wasn't a bad idea right?"

I rolled my eyes and we both laughed.

My father taught me something and I followed his instructions.

Soojin POV
As soon as two of the customers left, I went to clean the table while my colleague took over at the register.

As I was wiping the tables and clearing the cup, I saw a note underneath it.

To the beautiful girl with beautiful red hair:
Hey so I saw you at the register and I thought that you were quite cute so I wanted to ask for your number but I was too shy so I realised that if I don't do it today, I may not have a chance. So here's my number... (insert phone number)
From: The guy who was stuttering so much when you took my order :)

I kept the note in my pocket and smiled to myself.

Honestly, when I first took his order, I found him quite cute as he was stumbling with his words.

I can't believe that he literally gave me his number.

Didn't know that it was true when the fortune teller said that it was going to be my lucky day.

I soon had finished my shift and headed my home, thinking about the extremely cute guy.

I reached home and plopped myself on my bed and curled myself into a ball.

It's freezing outside. I fished out my phone and texted the number on the letter.

I was at home lying on my bed. I couldn't believe that I went out today.

I guess that I should probably go out more often.

I got a text and when I picked up my phone, my heart was beating loudly.

Unknown number:
Hey, just checking. Are you the guy that I met at Zone Cafe earlier this afternoon?

Yeah. You are the cute girl working at the register right?

Unknown number:
Uh-huh. My name is Soojin by the way, how about yours?

My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you Soojin

Nice to meet you too!

Me: Let's get to know more about ourselves....
Days past and Soojin and I got to know each other better.

It feels like we know everything about each other now.

We've went on a couple of dates and I'm going to be honest, I've never felt so blissed in my entire life...

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