I'll Smile, For You [Yoon Seeun]

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Seeun x Reader (Gender Neutral)

"Smile!" Click! "Alright, have a look! I really do think these are really great pictures, are both of you taking these for your Anniversary this year?" I asked politely as I smiled at the couple in front of me.

"Yeah, it's our 5th Year together. We, as usual, have to commemorate it with another photo," Mr Park replied with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Alright, that'll be 10,000 won, I'll contact you when your photos are up for collection!" The couple waved goodbye and headed off on their own merry way.

I started doing some clean-ups in my shop to ensure the studio stays in presentable condition. After I was done, I looked at the clock hanging on the wall in front of me. 7:59 pm, it read.

That's weird, she usually drops by at 7:30 pm, did something happen? Regardless, she is still just a customer after all, who am I to worry about her?

The bell at the shop's entrance rang, signalling a customer. I excitedly turned towards to door, hoping to see her again, for the 366th time.

"Hi Y/N, are you Seeun's photographer? I'm here to collect her photos for her, she couldn't make it down today."

"Ah, I see. No problem, I'll just need you to provide me with your name and mobile number before you can collect for her!" I walked over to the counter to fish out Seeun's photo for her friend to collect.

Sim Ja Yoon. I silently read her friend's name. Should I ask her why Seeun couldn't make it down today? No, that's too personal, what are you thinking Y/N?

I passed the photos to her friend once she was done filling up her particulars, she then opened the envelope and skimmed through the few photos.

"I'm happy she smiled, she doesn't usually smile so easily... How did you make her do it?" Ja Yoon chuckled and left the studio.

Exactly... how did I make her smile?

Flashback to 1 year ago...

It was another ordinary day in my studio, usual customers coming over to take their photos and have them printed, or bringing films from home for me to print for them.

A young lady walks into the studio and takes a few glances in the studio before looking back at me.

"Hi, are you here for printing services?" I asked with a smile plastered on my face. She shakes her head slightly.

"Photo-taking?" I asked and this time, she nods.

"Alright, this way please!" I led her into the photo studio and prepped the camera into position. "May I know what this photo will be used for? If you don't mind me asking, that is."

She stared into the camera with no reply.

"Smile!" Click!

"Alright, all done! That'll be 10,000 won, can I have your Name and Mobile Number for identification purposes?"

She silently wrote down her particulars and left 10,000 won on the counter before turning to leave. "I'll let you know through text when your photos are ready for collection!"

Yoon Seeun, the girl who never smiles in my photos.

The next day came and Seeun came by my shop once again to collect her photos. "Here you go! I hope you like how they turned out because I certainly do! I think you're very photogenic Seeun." I smiled at her but she didn't smile back instead, she just stood there for a while, looking like a lost sheep.

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