Flustered at the sudden attention the freckled boy greeted her "uh?! Hi Asui"

Tsu ribbited "call me Tsu." She said

"Your quirk reminds me of All Might." The frog like girl said.

"E-eh no i- it's not-----"

Akira tilted her head to look at the male concerned, after she had unintentionally discovered the green haired male's secret, she new she had to do something to keep it a secret.

"Say Tsu, Midoriya's quirk is different from All Might's. It's obvious because he doesn't break his bones right?" she pondered getting their attention.

Midoriya looked at her gratefully before continuing their conversation with each other.

Kirishima was talking about his quirk but before Akira could listen in, she felt a soft press on top of her head.

It was Shoto.

He held her hand his head on top of hers as he slept. His breathing was in an even pattern it was sort of calming.

Akira smiled closing her eyes to rest with him.

A snap of a camera was heard along with its flash illuminating across of her making Akira jolt up in surprise. Due to this she had accidentally headbutted Shoto's chin that was innocently laying on top of her head making him awake from his short slumber.

Her eyes scanned the bus looking for the perpetrator.

Shoto was a tad bit disappointed that his moment of peace was cut short when he was hit on the chin. As much as he slept through Bakugou's mini outburst, he was awoken by a flash of a camera and a headbutt.

Well it was his fault for practically sleeping on the purple haired girl but who could blame him? She was cute and cuddly like a pillow.

"We're almost there." Aizawa silenced the class "settle down."

Momo exhaled the breath she didn't know she was holding. She held her phone on her lap slightly tensed. She didn't know her camera flash was on nor it will make a noise.

She after confirming that she wasn't suspicious she checked the photo she took of Todoroki and Akira.

She shared a knowing smirk with Uraraka who was sitting beside her.

"Operation AkiSho shall now commence!"


"Hello everyone I've been waiting for you!"

Arriving at their destination they were greeted by a person clad in a poofy suit and helmet, Akira was low-key reminded of Baymax.

"Space Hero: Thirteen!" Midoriya said excitedly "he is the gentlemanly hero who does phenomenal work helping with disaster relief!" Beside him Uraraka fangirled "aaaaah! I love Thirteen!" She cheered. (I'm following the Manga but I'm also re watching the anime so, yeah...)

"Let's go inside shall we?" The space Hero said gesturing to the building.

Akira scanned the area in awe "just put the Attack on Titan theme park and we're in Universal Studios Japan" she sighed dreamily. "I wish a could go there sometime..." (same atih)

"Shipwrecks, Mudslides, fire, storms, and so much more," said Thirteen "I built this training center to prepare for any accident or disaster." He paused.

"Welcome to, Unforseen Stimulation Joint!" Thirteen Introduced "USJ for short!"

"It literally is USJ!"

The now posing hero was approached by Aizawa who was looking around for a particular person.

"Thirteen where's All Might?" The erasing hero asked "isn't he supposed to be here?"

"Well, you see..." Thirteen said holding up three fingers. "on his way at work, All Might used up his remaining power, he is resting now."

Aizawa shrugged probably thinking, "one less kid to babysit"

"Well," their homeroom teacher finally said "it can't be helped, let's begin."

"Before we start, I'd like to say..." Thirteen rambled "one thing... Or two or three..." He trailed off the students wince.

"The numbers are getting higher..."

"I hope you are all aware, my quirk is called Black hole. No matter material that get sucked into it turns into dust."

Uraraka was nodding vigorously and Midoriya explained "It's the perfect quick for removing wreckage and saving people injured by disaster!"

Akira put on her glasses that was previously inside a spare storage in her utility belt.

"Yes." The space Hero said agreeing to Midoriya's statement. "However it is also an ability with the potential to harm others, I'm sure some of you are the same too." Everyone awed.

"In this superhuman society, quirks are strictly regulated, and the requirements for their lawful use has been enforced. With that in mind, you all have quirks that are potentially harmful too. But, with Aizawa's physical test, you all saw your ability's potential and in All Might's battle training, you witnessed the danger of using these powers on others. This lesson will be different, we will learn how to use your quirks to rescue people and at the end of the day, I want all of you to go home knowing that your powers exist to save people and not hurt them." He then bowed to the class. "That is all, thank you for listening."

Everyone cheered and clapped at the speech given by the rescue hero.

"Alright," Mr. Aizawa cut in "first things first--"

The lights around the building started to flicker, Akira frowned.

She sniffed the air (like Tanjiro) and gaped at the vortex like portal that appeared in the middle of the joint.

"Sirs!" She called "we have unwanted visitors!"

Aizawa followed her gaze and nodded.

"Stay close together!" He ordered "Thirteen protect the kids!"

Kirishima squinted his eyes "what's that? Has the test already started?"

"No." Their teacher replied sternly putting on his yellow goggles.

"Those are real villains."


"Eraserhead, Thirteen..." Said the vortex villain. "According to the teacher's schedule we took yesterday,All Might is supposed to be here."

Aizawa sneered at them "I knew there was something off about the press attack yesterday. So it was you." He stated.

"Where is he?" Snarled the villain with blueish white hair and hands all over his body. "We went through all that trouble and the symbol of peace isn't here?" He was scratching the skin on his neck aggressively.

"Heh... I wonder, will he show up if we kill these brats?"

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