Polaroid [27]

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Midoriya is screwed. And he knew that. Although despite of the risks, after hearing the disappearance of his certain blue haired friend from a certain pro hero that friend interned with, he immediately connected the dots to why, out of all his requests, Iida would choose to go to an internship in the area; Hosu City.

Narrowing his conclusion down to the bluenette wanting to avenge his hospitalized older brother, the pro hero Ingenium, Midoriya immediately looked through dark alleyways all over the city as fast as he could in order for his friend to not share the same fate as the unlucky professionals who (some) lost their lives against the menace; the Hero Killer: Stain.

Arriving right in time in a dire situation, with Iida flat on his stomach unable to move the villain hovering above him, sword about to poke through the teenager's back, an immobilized pro hero hunched in the corner, the green haired ball of sunshine threw a punch at the masked villain using his now equally distributed ability.

Iida had exclaimed his worries to the greenette in which Midoriya replied earnestly.

Asking if the bluenette was able to move, the brief explanation of the villain's quirk that had something to do with making people immobile.

Great, Midoriya really is screwed now. With his friend and the hero both unable to move, he faced the sneering villain on his own, with one hand on his back, sending as quick message of his location to his class's group chat hoping that someone, anyone (preferably the strongest student in their class but who knew the chances?) would recieve (nice recieve) and understand his call for help.

Which brought us readers now, laying on his arms and legs in a kneeling position, the green themed hero-in-training with a small unnoticeable scratch on his upper arm (the author is loosing words please bear with it) after a few degrading words, the villain went towards Iida, ready to finish his job when a burst of flames caught him off guard rendering Stain to retreat.

"Midoriya," Todoroki said, making his entrance to this chapter, his phone held on his right hand, his left side covered in fire from head to toe. "Next time write more specific directions."

Todoroki sighed in relief "I was almost too late."


Akira was restless. Helping her father evacuate civilians was one thing a hero or peacemaker is supposed to do, however letting Shoto run off like that after Izuku sent an (not quite) obvious distress call (or text) without any back-up or so could keep her worried for her friends.

Offering a kind but forced smile to the lady she helped she turned towards her father as he continued to initiate proper evacuation drills as the other pro hero- Endeavor deals with the Nomu(s), spreading Shoto's (it autocorrected to Shoyo and I- Hinata?!) message to direct immediate assistance towards Midoriya's location .

As if immediately sensing her restlessness, Ken faced his daughter and nodded, finally giving her permission to run after her friend (F).

Fortunately she arrived in time, unfortunately the damage has been done.

With three people immobilized in the alleyway; (that three people being Midoriya, Iida and now introduced the hero Native) and one facing against the hero killer, it was as if time stopped as Todoroki made a small wall of ice separating him from Stain; it was as if made in slow motion, a knife flung itself towards his face catching the red and white haired male off guard rendering Stain to get close to him.

He couldn't react on time. Making another wall to stop a katana thrown in mid air, a hand wrapped itself around his vest (is that what it is? That part of his hero-suit???) pulling Shoto towards the Hero Killer in attempts to use his spilled blood to immobilize him too

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