Polaroid [23]

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The moment he heard Endeavor utter those words, Midoriya was suddenly reminded of his conversation with Todoroki himself.

"I'm not All Might." He said making the pro hero furrow his eyebrows.


"Of course I'm not." He insisted "And Todoroki-kun, is not you either." He stated.

Izuku then continued to walk of, ignoring Endeavor's burning gaze on his back. (No pun intended?)

He had to do something.


"THANK YOU FOR WAITING EVERYBODY!" Present Mic hollered "The first match of the second round is a big one I tell ya!" He exclaimed.

"During the first round this man literally froze the crowd with his victory! From the Hero Course, Todoroki Shoto! Versus, This Young man barely made it to the first round, I wonder what would his strategy be this time?! Midoriya Izuku! Also from the hero course!"

"Ready?" Asked Todoroki his tone serious as usual.

The greenette gave him a curt nod.

"They both stand at the top of this year's Sports Festival! It's a match between two great fighters! Now it's Midoriya vs Todoroki! Start!"


As soon as the match started Todoroki immediately used a powerful ice attack towards Midoriya in which the greenette evaded with a powerful smash using his middle finger.

To prevent himself from getting blown away, Todoroki made a wall behind him.

"Just as I thought," he wondered "Midoriya would injure himself if he uses his ability."

"Midoriya broke through Todoroki's attack!" the Voice Hero exclaimed his voice lacing in pride and disbelief.

Another ice attack, another finger broken.

"An endurance match huh?" Todoroki pondered "no need, I'll end this right away." Again he launched another full scale attack and the greenette was running out of fingers to break.

After the greenette evaded his last attack Todoroki created a ramp and started to run, closing in on Midoriya.

Painfully enough, with his already broken finger, Midoriya again smashed Shoto's ramp just in time for the bi-colored haired male to jump.

He slammed his fist into the ground where Izuku was supposed to be, he glared at the male who leapt in time and cultivated another batch of icicles directly shooting it at the latter.

With this Midoriya used up his whole arm to evade the heterochromatic male's attack.

"That was a lot more powerful than before" Todoroki comments, lifting of the ice that was blown into him as he created another wall. "You don't want me to get close huh?"

Midoriya studied the two toned haired male, ice started to form at his side.

"He is... Stronger than most professionals..." Was stated as Todoroki exhaled an icy breath.

"It's expected from the son of number two hero..."

"What is it? You're worn out from running away and defending." Todoroki taunted.

Inside the waiting room, Akira frowned. "He's reaching his limits." She murmured, watching the match from the small television.

"Sorry," Todoroki said "but... Thank you, Midoriya." His mismatched eyes traveled towards the crowd where one can see Endeavor glowering.

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