Polaroid [42]

232 10 7

Days gone by and both hero courses have been training.

They have been improving themselves. Their stamina, strength, speed, and essentially their respective hero moves.

It was tiresome to say at least. But everyone was improving.

The closer the day where take the test to get there licence the nearer Akira's surgery is.

Everyone is improving with motivational advices from All Might (though he may or may not be basing It on a guide book for dummies) and corrections from Ectoplasm, most of the class may have noticed that from the day she declared that in her opinions hero moves are useless, Akira has been off.

Not that she was slacking off or anything but most of her classmates may notice that she has been giving lesser efforts than usual.

It was because they don't really know what's happening with her.


"You should tell them." Said Mr. Aizawa after their talk.

Akira looked down on her lap fiddling with her fingers.

"I... I'm not sure if I can." She sighed running a hand through her short purple hair.

"It's not that I don't trust them it just... I don't want them to worry."

The raven haired teacher scoffed. "They're already worried about you since you got kidnapped you know?" He explained.

"Akira, what's the real reason why you don't want to tell them?"

The female pondered for a moment, opening her mouth to state her reason but closing it again due to the lack of critical thinking or constructive comment to defend her side.

"I don't want them to be disappointed in me."

Gray eyes in determination, her unwavering gaze meeting with the dark irises of her teacher.

"I don't want to die, just because both my abilities causes hindrance to my health the more I use them. Neither I want to live not doing something I want to do."

Taking a deep breath Akira mustered up a shaky smile.

"I don't want to regret how I lived. Is that too much to ask?"


A tall figure leaned against the doorframe taking in the conversation.

Eavesdropping was not a very heroic deed to do. But ever since he noticed a somewhat unnoticeable change in the purple haired girl, he can't help himself but be concerned for her.

He disappeared into the hallway before they could catch him listening into their conversation.


"Oooh nice new design Izuku-kun"

The green haired male smiled sheepishly. "I only asked to add these supporters to reduce the stress on my arms."

The purple haired female blinked "Yeah," she replied "you should think of other ways to combat."

Flustered, Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck avoiding the deadpanned glance Kaneki have him.

"I- I'm working on that..." He stuttered.

Humming Akira gently pats him on the back. "If you want I could teach you a move or two?"

Eyes sparkling the cinnamon roll beamed at the female "You'd do that?!" He exclaimed

She chuckled "anything for a friend."

Polaroid | ᴛᴏᴅᴏʀᴏᴋɪ sʜᴏᴛᴏWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu