Polaroid [30]

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Let me just publish this cuz Slide Up is next week lol pray for me 🙏
(This was drafted in late October [around the time I published the first chapters]  were halfway or less through the book guys~)

All Twenty two students of class 1-A nervously stood before eight teachers of UA.

"Let's begin your practical exam" their tired looking homeroom teacher deadpans "if you want to go to the training camp, don't fail"

"Is it just me or did this happened before..." Akira wondered to herself

Shinsou who stood at her left looked at her quizzically "but this is the first time we're-"

"Oh yeah summer training camp arc in  Haikyuu!!" The purple haired girl grinned

Shoto, who caught on sighed, at least she wasn't feeling pressured.

"There are... A lot of teachers here" Jiro remarked, stating the obvious.

"Knowing you, you might've had an idea on how this exam will go."

Cue Ashido and Kaminari cheering "robots"

"Not quite!" The principal cheered popping out from Mr. Aizawa's scarf.

"Due to circumstances we are changing things a bit!"


"Change...?" Momo hesitantly asked.

"From now on, we're going to focus on one-on-one combat activities," Nezu started climbing down from the erasing hero's shoulder.

"That are more similar to real combat!" He successfully landed on the ground "and so, dear students you will be grouped into pairs and will fight against one teacher!"

Mr. Aizawa then announced the teams and the teacher they'll be battling against.

"First," he smirked "Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, against me."

"Then, Midoriya and Bakugou-"


"K- Kacchan!"

"Your opponent will be-"

"ME!" All Might sang lifting his fist. He had arrived the exact moment the dark haired hero announced the pair.

Aizawa deadpanned, going back to the announcement.

The Principal vs Ashido and Kaminari

Thirteen vs Aoyama and Uraraka

Present Mic vs Koda and Jiro

Ectoplasm vs Asui and Tokoyami

Midnight vs Sero and Mineta

Snipe (Snape?) Vs Hagakure and Shoji

Cementoss vs Sato and Kirishima

Powerloader vs Ojiro and Iida

"And finally-"

"UA! Hey, thank you for inviting me!" A muffled voice from a tall masked man spoke from behind the students.

He wore a black leather jacket with a dark purple scarf/hood (honestly idk) around his neck, along with black fitted pants and black combat boots.

He also wore a black rabbit mask which he took off after joining the 10 UA staff in front.

"Shinso and Kaneki vs The Black Rabbit."

"Yo, Hana-chan how's my niece doing?"

"Uncle Ayato, you're fashionably late as ever, why am I not surprised?"

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