Polaroid [10]

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All Might had paired the class of and drew another pair of lots to determine which teams will fight against each other.

"Okay!" Their blond haired teacher boomed "team A will be the heroes, and team D will be the villains!"

"Bakugou and Midoriya against each other?"muttered Akira as the rest of the class made their way towards the observation room " that's a bad match up" she commented.

Jiro turned to look at the purple haired girl. "How so?" She asked.

"Remember yesterday after Midoriya got his results from the ball throw? Bakugou was fuming, charged at the poor guy and will probably cause him harm if Mr. Aizawa hadn't stopped him."

Momo nodded in confirmation. "Now that you've mentioned it, it seems like Bakugou holds some sort of grudge against Midoriya. However as heroes in training he must not act on a personal grudge."

Akira hummed " I don't think so" she said calmly as Bakugou launched a sneak attack against the hero team smouldering Midoriya's mask in the process

"Bakugou!" Kirishima exclaimed "A surprise attack is so Unmanly!"

"But it's also a good strategy, not giving your opponents enough time to think." Recounted All Might.

"Like when the Colossal Titan blew up Shigashina Distri-hmp!" Akira's comment was cut short when Shoto covered her mouth with his hand.


Mina cheered "Look at how Midoriya ducked! It was as if he was expecting it!"

"Reading and predicting your opponents' move, it requires top tier observation skills" said the purple haired girl removing the male's hand from her face. They watched as their green haired classmate flipped the angry ash blond, surprising everyone.

"Kacchan, I'm no longer Deku, whom you deemed worthless," said Midoriya.

"Now, I'm Deku. A meaning that 'I will Never give up'!"

"Deku..." Growled the angry boy "You always..." Explosions appeared on his palms "manage to piss me off huh?!"


"What's he saying?" Muttered Kirishima "We can't hear anything at all."

"Young Bakugou was talking to his comrade with through a wireless transmitter. Along with that you can bring the blueprint of the building and this capture tape." Said All Might showing the class the roll of white tape. "When you tie someone with this, they will automatically be captured."

"The time limit is fifteen minutes and the heroes don't know where the weapon is "


"Then that makes a disadvantage?"

Shoto glowered at the monitor.

"Didn't Aizawa teach you the school motto?" Said All Might in fake disbelief. "Say it with me now,"

"PLUS ULTRA!" him and the class shouted pumping their fists into the air.

Akira winced at the loudness, saying a softer "Plus ultra" while Shoto just raised his fist muttering the motto quietly, unenthusiastic unlike the others.

"Ah, Monsieur Bakugou!" Exclaimed Aoyama making everyone's attention turn back to the screen.

"Uraraka get away!"


Stalling time, Midoriya focused on Bakugou as Uraraka searched for the weapon.

"There it is!" She told herself as she entered the room where Iida is.

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