Polaroid [16]

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It was peaceful in the city of Tokyo the only sounds were the constant group of people walking talking and the trains and vehicles moving along.

"Yesterday, the students of UA High School were attacked by villains," Said a news anchor as the she reported the incident. "In the hero course rescue training facility."

A dark haired man wearing a white coat over an office uniform furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the screen, stopping abruptly in his tracks.

"According to the police, the group called themselves the League of Villains, and has been revealed..."

Tuning out the rest of the report the raven haired man sighed.

"I hope she's okay." He muttered.

"Squad leader Urie," a woman wearing the same white coat as the man approached.

"We've recieved a special request to assist pro hero Ingenium in his case."

The man now known as Urie Kuki nodded.


"Akira, please be safe."


The day after the League of Villains attack in USJ, the school was temporarily closed for the students.

A knock was heard on the door of the Kaneki family household.

Ken who was cooking dinner for his daughters stopped and looked at Ichika who was waiting at the table, gesturing her to open the door.

The purple eyed girl obliged and went to greet the person who'd visit them so late at night.

Upon opening the door though, she was surprised to see the leader of the Quinx Squad at their doorstep.

"Uncle Kuki..." Ichika muttered stepping away from the door to let the man enter. "How are you? What brings you here tonight? Dad said the Quinx Squad is pretty busy this days-"

The man raised a hand to stop the girl from asking anymore questions.

"I'm fine, where's your sister?" Urie nodded at Touka who passed the living room as a greeting.

"She's in her room" Ichika said scratching the back of her head. "Probably watching Seventeen's comeback."

Urie nodded "I'd like to talk to her if that's okay."

Ichika shook her head "ah, go ahead sorry for holding you up." She smiled sheepishly.

The man nodded and ruffled the girl's hair. "Thanks Butterfly"


Over the sun, my my my my my way~

A knock was heard of her door making Akira look up from her laptop. She paused the video she was str3aming calling out a soft "come in"

Not really in the mood to say "state your name and business" like Levi, that was more of her sister's thing.

She looked at the door and gasped, standing from her seat she tackled her uncle into a hug.

"Uncle Kuki!" She gaped "what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I came to see you Hana, how are you holding up at Yuuei?" He asked leaning into the doorframe and crossing his arms after being let go of the hug.

"It was okay... Aside from getting attacked yesterday I guess..." The girl trailed off.

"Would you like to tell me about it?"

Polaroid | ᴛᴏᴅᴏʀᴏᴋɪ sʜᴏᴛᴏWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt