Polaroid [37]

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Katsuki glared at the league members as he sat, tied down in a chair. Beside him, also restrained was the purple haired girl who was silently observing the room, her gray eyes tired but still kept her guard up.

It has been what... A day or two since the two of them has been abducted. It was a long and annoying wait truth be told.

"Let us get down to business" Shigaraki started drumming his fingers across the table at the bar, carefully keeping all five of his fingers apart. "Wannabe hero Bakugo Katsuki, half-ghoul Kaneki Akira."

A hand covered face, tilted their head and stared at the two teens.

"Why don't you join me?" He asked.

Katsuki scoffed "You can shove that offer up your ass and go to hell."

"No." Came Akira's straightforward answer.

"Well I guess in a different circumstance you would have agreed." The decay quirked Villain tried once again.

"No❤️" both teens said on sync as if they read each other's mind.

"How did they say the red heart?" Twice wondered.

Dabi huffed "This is gonna be a long night."


Shoto, Midoriya, Shinso, Kirishima along with Iida and Yao-Momo walked through Kamino ward where the tracking device had lead them.

In the end Iida couldn't stop them from going so instead came to chaperone them to keep a certain pair out of trouble. As usual-

"Where to Yaoyorozu?!" Kirishima exclaimed inching to look for their classmates already.

"Hold it!" The ravenette called as she deliberately pointed at a thrift shop behind her. "Let's get disguises first."

So Ladies and gentlemen, here we have a punk Deku-

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So Ladies and gentlemen, here we have a punk Deku-

Midoriya scoffed "Oi," he narrowed his eyes. "Watch were you're going shitty boi."

A delinquent Kiri, "No, you gotta push your chin up more-" he scolded the greenette.

Iida who seems to be like a tap dancer? (Author is confused) "Nuff- knife-Nice..." He muttered dejectively.

Hair down and cosplaying the perverted spirit medium from the disastrous life of Saiki K, Shinso who as usual looked like he was done with life. He stared up the sky as if blaming the author for coming up with a ridiculous idea. If Saiki were to read his mind right now Hitoshi was only questioning his life decisions as to why he ended up like this.

"Yaoyorozu." An emo barista otherwise known as Todoroki interrupted the author's inner monologue as he called out to the raven haired female dressed up similarly to the hero she interned with. "Wouldn't this stuff be free if made by your quirk?"

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