Polaroid [20]

394 16 7

Extra long chapter up ahead

Away from the crowd and the rest of their classmates, in a different entrance of the stadium leaning on the wall stood Todoroki and Midoriya, the latter glaring intently at the freckled male.

"What did you want to talk about, Todoroki-kun?" Midoriya asked hesitantly unnerved by the male's heated glare.

"We have to hurry up though..." said Midoriya after a few seconds of silence. "Since the cafeteria will be full." no response, other than the glare but that wasn't the only thing that worries the greenette.

"Um..." Izuku gulped at Shoto's threatening glare, he had no idea why the male had insisted to talk and he's afraid that he's been found out.

"I was overwhelmed." the bi-colored haired male finally said.

"So much that it drove me to break my own promise." Todoroki started.

He brought up his left hand and gazed at it with resentment.

"Iida, Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, Uraraka and Akira... None of them felt it." He reminisced the moment when his whole arm engulfed in flames as a defense mechanism against Midoriya's attack. "At that last moment I was the only one who was overpowered. It was me who witnessed All Might's power before my very eyes."

The greenette bit the inside of his cheek nervously. "That... Means what... Exactly?"

"It means I felt the same pressure from you." Todoroki finally said. "Midoriya are you... All Might's secret love child or something?"

Izuku felt as if time has stopped due to his disbelief the second those words came out of Shoto's mouth.

"Secret love child?!" He internally freaked.

"Is it true?" Shoto asked getting impatient by the second, he was well aware of how harsh he has treated Akira awhile ago and was planning to keep this conversation with Midoriya short in attempts to catch up with her. But it seems like things aren't going into plans.

"No!" The greenette almost immediately responded his voice cracking a bit higher than usual "no that's not it, although if I actually was, I'd be saying the same thing, so you may not believe me." He pointed out making gestures that make sense?
"But it's not like that!"

Shoto sighed, this conversation was going way longer than he expected.

"First let me ask you this in return, Why do you think that of me?"

"By saying "It's not really like that"." Todoroki quoted "there must be a connection between you two that you cannot speak of." He paused hanging his head low and closing his eyes

"My father, is Endeavor. As you may already know, he has always been number 2 hero." He opened his eyes once again and threw another harsh glare at Midoriya.

"If you have some sort of connection with the number one hero then..."

Midoriya gulped already expecting the next words he was bound to hear.

"That gives me more of a reason to crush you."


"Akira!" Akira winced hearing a familiar voice as she munched on her cheeseburger.

She looked at her (mind you) older sister who ran towards her in full speed "oh Ichika hey," she said chewing her food.

"You were amazing out there!" Ichika gushed, the black and white haired girl spotted two other girls looking at her curiously she grinned.

Polaroid | ᴛᴏᴅᴏʀᴏᴋɪ sʜᴏᴛᴏTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon