Polaroid [31]

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"I'm looking forward" Ashido sniffled  "for a bunch of awesome stories from the trip!" She cried accompanied by the occasional sighs of the students who didn't pass the practical exams.

"Hold on!" Midoriya tried to reassure "we never now there might be a twist-"

"Don't say it like that Midoriya," Sero warned "You might jinx it-"

A few minutes later, the door slammed open revealing Mr. Aizawa in all his tired at life glory.

"That's the bell, back to your seats."

In an instant the whole class shuffled over to their desks.

Shoto looked at the empty desk behind him, it was unusual for Akira to be absent on a day like this but hearing about what happened from Shinsou made him wonder.

"It's not like she overused her quirk right?" Todoroki wondered to himself, half listening to what their homeroom teacher was saying.

"... YOURE all gong to the summer training camp!"

 YOURE all gong to the summer training camp!"

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(I had to-)

All of a sudden, the gloomy atmosphere that surrounded particular students dispersed leaving them crying tears of happiness.


"But those who failed will have to attend cram school."


The bell dings signalling the end of the day.

Their last teacher made their way out the classroom leaving the students amongst themselves.

"Well whatever the case, I'm just glad we're all going together." Ojiro said positively holding up his copy the blue pamphlet their teacher gave them.

"It's a week long training camp, focused on strengthening our abilities." said Iida as he, Midoriya and Kaminari all look at his.

"We have a lot to pack," commented the green haired male.

Kaminari voiced that he still have to buy swimwear, making Hagakure suggest the entire class go to the mall together the next day since they all finished their exams.

"Nice!" Beamed the electric quirked male.

Uraraka hummed in approval.

"Hey Bakugo!" Kirishima called out to the ash blond. "You should come too!"

"Why?" The explosive male scoffed "it's only a waste of time."

"Can you come too Todoroki? Shinso?" Midoriya asked two of the most reserved males in class.

"I visit my mom on off days..." The two toned haired male said dismissively.

"I'll check if I have time." The purple haired male said which was a lie, he'd rather sleep in or play with his cats- but they don't have to know-

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