Polaroid [15]

446 22 3

"All Might..."

Almost everyone sighed in relief at the appearance of the American themed hero.

The symbol of peace.

But... Instead of his usual smile the blond hero was...



Mina and Uraraka were in tears and the males sighed in relief.

"I had a bad feeling, so a abruptly stopped my chat with the principal and came to check up on you all." The hero explained, Mina sniffled.

"I crossed paths with young Iida on my way here and thanks to him I heard what happened."

He stepped forward and ripped out his tie.

"Do not fear for... I AM HERE!"


For a second Akira regained her senses, she sighed in relief.

Quickly averting her eyes towards the blue haired man before her, she narrowed her gaze and delivered a full kick on his stomach.

Shigaraki stumbled a but he also quickly regained his composure.

He looked at All Might, at least Akira thinks he did, it was hard to see through the hand on his face.

"I've been waiting for you... Hero."

Akira furrowed her eyebrows "the hell is this? A weird telenovela?"

The hero tossed his coat to the side and delivered a punch towards the remainder of the thugs.

He knelt towards the erasing hero's bloodied body and picked him up bridal style.

"Sorry I'm late, Aizawa." He muttered.

His gaze went from their bloodied homeroom teacher to the four students present.

In a flash, All Might now was Aizawa hanging from one arm, Tsuyu, Mineta and Midoriya in another and Akira at his side supporting Aizawa's weight.

"What the-"

"Everyone go to the entrance." Said All Might. "Take care of Aizawa, he's unconscious, go!" he ordered passing the tattered male onto the purple haired girl.

Midoriya panicked (though he really didn't show it but he was worried) "All Might don't do it" warned the greenette. "When I used One for-" he paused before looking at Tsuyu and Mineta "I mean... When I punched the brain villain there was no response. He must be---"

"Young Midoriya," their teacher cut him off with a hand "It's okay." He gave them a peace sign and his signature smile to reassure them before attacking the villains.

Midoriya hesitantly turned around followed by Tsuyu and Mineta then eventually Akira.

"It's going to be alright!" Cheered the pervert. "It's All Might!"

Akira stayed silent carrying Mr. Aizawa on her back.

Tsuyu and Mineta were talking about how cool the hero is fighting against the Nomu but Akira and Izuku met eyes and immediately understood what each other was thinking.

"That thing... Is capable enough to kill All Might."


As the fog cleared the four of them froze at the position All Might was in.

"H- his Achilles heel..." Muttered Akira.

"Tsu can you carry Mr. Aizawa?" The purple haired girl frantically asked.

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