Polaroid [5]

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Shoto and Akira went to a local restaurant for lunch. It was a cat themed restaurant, where various felines play around whilst you wait for your order.

Shoto was playing with a tabby cat rubbing behind its ears making it purr when a flash appeared from the corner of his eye.

Akira was fanning the Polaroid frame for the picture to appear, her white Polaroid camera sitting on the table in front of her now out of its case standing proudly on the table.

Looking at Shoto's confused expression, Akira showed him the photo of himself playing with the cat, a small smile on his face and a peaceful gleam evident in his eyes.

"You looked at peace, the most tranquil I've seen you ever since we met, I just had to take a photo of it~" the purple haired girl teased, keeping the photo inside her wallet.

Shoto's heart started beating in a fast pace.

"Why do you keep your camera with you?" He finally asked, she told him she liked taking photos but doesn't she have her phone camera for that? Why take a physical camera all the time?

"I love taking pictures." she said looking out of the window.

Shoto noticed the reflection of the sun's light bounce around, and it seemed as Akira was perfectly entranced within it like she was part of an aesthetic image.

"May it be landscapes, people or simply anything, it holds memory of something important so that even as time goes on you'll never forget it." She had a small smile on her face and before Shoto could comprehend anything, his hands grabbed her white Polaroid camera and snapping a photo of her staring at the glass pane with a content smile on her lips.

The gray eyed girl chuckled as the heterochromatic male curiously fiddled with her camera as the film printed a picture with Shoto mirroring her actions earlier as he fanned the frame, her image appearing on it.

"I see," he said eyeing the photo and slipping it inside his phone case, hidden from his father.

"But why use a camera?" He asked holding up the white polaroid in one hand. "You're phone has storage and a camera does it not?"

The gray eyed girl scoffed snatching the camera from him and protectively holding it close to her.

"Phone storage gets full and you might have to delete some pictures. Besides I need my storage for various things, like anime, manga, kdramas and kpop...." She muttered eyes losing focus and tuning out the noise around her as she think.

Shoto chuckled at her display of cuteness. She even got startled when the soba they ordered arrived.

"Right sorry about that." Akira laughed grabbing a pair of chopsticks and digging into her bowl of soba.

"But why a Polaroid though? Aren't there are different types of cameras right?" The two toned haired male said after a bite.

"Polaroids are aesthetic." Was her short answer.

Time passes by quickly as the sun began to set, the two teenagers have spent their day getting to know each other. And since Shoto had told Akira his secret the girl took it upon herself to tell him about hers too.

As he was walking her back to :re cafe, Akira dropped the bomb stopping in the corner of the shop.

The heterochromatic eyed male curiously looked at her, asking why she stopped, she stared him the the eyes offering a sad smile.

"Shoto, have you heard about... Ghouls?"


"Shoto, have you heard about... Ghouls?" The gray eyed girl asked looking at him with a sad smile.

Shoto furrowed his brows in confusion. "I've read about them... It was one of my sister's books I think."

"What do you think of them?" This piqued his interest, why was she asking him about that? Was Akira cautious about something?

"I think their a myth." He told her, running a hand through his hair, she watched him amused and with that Shoto understood the trap he walked himself in.

"I'm afraid you're mythtaken." She chuckled making him groan.

Yes, they've literally got to know each other for a day but it seemed like they've known each other for years.

Taking her words carefully into consideration, ignoring the cheesy pun, he looked at her with wide eyes.

"Wait... What?"

He let the information sink in, she smiled at him sadly.

"Hey, I can explain---"

"That's cool" he blurted out catching the girl in surprise.

"But I thought ghouls can't eat human food...? I'm going to assume you're one because you are telling me this."

Akira laughed a smile plastered on her face making the red and white haired male's heart jump.

"I'm a half ghoul to be honest..." She trailed off shyly averting her gaze away from his.

"Ah, I see... Can I see it?"

She blinked "what...?"

Shoto nervously laughed, well what he said was way creepier than intended. "I mean your ka--- um.. ka"

"Kagune?" The girl asked

He nodded "yeah..." Shyly looking at the ground in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I only activate it during training."

Shoto nodded "It's okay, I understand maybe we can train together one of these days?" He suggested, she beamed at him "yeah! I guess it'll be fun to train with someone else." she chuckled.

They continued where they left off back to the cafe in which Shoto has learned was an establishment owned by the Purple haired girl's family.

Dropping her off the door, he turned his back waving her goodbye as he walked back to the direction of his own home.


The door to :re cafe opened slightly, the bells at the top ringing signaling somebody has entered the cafe.

Akira shut the door behind her and was suddenly pounced on by her strangely hyperactive sister, her purple eyes gleaming mischievously.

"How's your date?"

Akira groaned pushing Ichika who was clinging onto her like a koala.

"It's not a date" she whined.

Hide, sitting in one of the seats near the counter, sipped his tea amused at the situation. "Are you sure about that?" He asked earning another groan from the gray eyed girl.

"Don't tell me you're in on this too Uncle Hide" Akira scowled. "Honestly why are you all making this seem like a big deal?"

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