Polaroid [7]

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The scent of dawn whisked into the air and the sunrise was illuminating across Tokyo, at the 24th ward in a cream white and wood brown painted house, Ichika Kaneki sat in bed shaking a half asleep Akira.

The purple haired sibling groaned, as she was being shook back and fourth by her older sister.

"Wake up Akira" said Ichika

"Why?" Akira asked rubbing the sleepiness away with her left hand.

"It's your first Day at Yuuei!" Squealed the two toned haired girl.

"And? It's still early though..." Grumbled the sleep deprived bluenette.

She turned away from Ichika and hugged her Eren body pillow attempting to doze off in which her sister anticipated, grabbing Eren from her and throwing him across the room.

Their father, Hide and Ayato, appeared at the door wondering what the commotion was about.

"Ichika don't throw your sister's pillows," Ken scolded. "And Akira wake up, I made pancakes to celebrate the first day of your journey to becoming a hero."

Ayato smirked. "That is if you don't want me to eat it all" attempting to lure the gray eyed teen.

"Idiot," the girl mused "Uncle Ayato you're a ghoul you can't eat my pancakes." She sat up on her bed stretching before eventually coming down, Ichika following shortly.

Their purple haired Uncle grumbled defeated before walking off back to the kitchen.

Hide amused with the interaction ruffled his nieces' hair.

"I'm proud of you my little Hana" he said slightly muffled by the scarf around his neck, up to his mouth.

Hana in Japanese or Flower in English was a nickname Akira grew up with.

Most of their Uncles and Aunts would call her that because they would claim that she looks like a pretty flower.

The statement made her blush in embarrassment.

"Uncle Hide I'm not a kid anymore..." She murmured hiding her face in her hands as he lead her to the kitchen, Ken was still scolding Ichika for disrupting her sister's sleep.

"Right, and it's not a pet name your boyfriend will call you in the future." The blond haired man mused recalling the red and white haired male who went to :re cafe holding a bouquet of purple lilacs for their usual training session. The male was wearing a deadpanned expression but his heterochromatic eyes reflect the affection he has for Hideyoshi's niece the second their eyes met.

"They reminded me of you."

That was what he said. After bowing to the adults at the cafe, he whisked the girl off to train at their usual place.

"We're just friends," deadpanned Akira sitting herself in front of the counter next to her mother and stuffing herself with pancakes.

Hide sat across her next to Ayato who was now sipping a cup of black coffee scowling.

He chuckled helping himself for a cup of brown coffee

"Sure, keep telling yourself that."


The train ride to Musutafu was quick, Akira stood at the half empty train, she was really early but she needed that to be able to locate her homeroom in school. Class 1-A.

Staring at the big ass trees- cough I mean door, she gently placed her hand on the doorknob and pushed it open.

She was greeted by an almost empty classroom, occupied by only three students (out of 21) including her.

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