Chapter 23

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Of unreflecting love;--then on the shore

Of the wide world I stand alone, and think

Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.

-John Keats


The shock should have been clear on my face yet it wasn't enough for Raikha. She still was searching an answer.

After realizing I'm too shocked to function Raikha sighed and then said,"It's all over the internet. Not only the mixers but even the directioners are turning against Zayn. It's trending worldwide on Twitter. #WetrustedyouZayn #ZaynBrokeOurHearts #WeHateYouZayn

Why are you acting like you don't know anything about this . You are the reason for all of this. See this." With that raikha turned her phone towards me . There were such horrible 'tweets' (i think that's what they call it ?) to Zayn. Death threats. Hate. So horrible that my eyes started bleeding.

Is it really all because of me. But I never even told Zayn about my feelings for him. I've never thought of this. 'Mixers' and 'Directioners'are these suppose to be the fans ? Of One direction. And lil mix?

I covered my face in my hands so as to block those disgusting unrury lies. Zayn never cheated on her.

How could she be so selfish so as to say such things!???

How could she say that?

Controlling my tears I tried to bicker a sentence.

"I don't know.But this is NOT TRUE RAIKHA! All I know is that this girl has caused me and Zayn so much pain. Believe it or not. That's on you."

With that I caught my keys and marched outside. My brain surging with anger and sadness. And my mind praying rapidly that Zayn doesn't know of this. Praying that he didn't have to read the tweets. The thoughts for licked my brain . The pain conquered every single feeling I had.

Did I ever felt this much sad before? All I knew were rainbows before I got here. The rains were just bad grades or failing to play piano.

This was different . This was a hurricane. In this place it was hard to find a rainbow. My only light was Zayn and literature. But now. There is nothing. Literature doesn't make me feel better no more. All I want is Zayn to be happy.

The car halted with jump as I got off and stomped straight to his house. With the extra key that Harry had given me I unlocked the gate. I couldn't find Harry's car in the garage. He had said he'd stay until I come back. Then where is he now?

Pushing the door open. The same smell of tobacco and alcohol and Zayn filled my nose. It wasn't suffocating. Just really painful.

I walked in to find Zayn still in the living room lying on the sofa surrounded by empty vodkha bottles.

I had to walk closer to see what he was doing. He didn't even turn around or looked at me.

While I saw his phone wrapped in his hands as the same video perrie was playing and he just stared. And as soon as it finished he replayed it.

Since how long has he been doing this. He did this like seven to eight times in front of me as he smoked his cigarette. I snatched his mobile from his hands. I knew this was the only way to stop him from watching it.

His eyes followed my face with an expressionless feeling covered his face.

"You aren't gonna watch it again Zayn. "

He kept smoking and staring at me.His stare tingled my skin I could feel goosebumps rising. Ignoring them I caught up courage to look him back in his eyes and said,

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