Chapter 25

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Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

-Maya Angelou


I was still staring in Zayns toxic eyes probably giggling to myself at how someone could be this pretty that my shoulders started shaking really bad.
And I turned around to see the bar tender .
What the hell? Were we still in this bar ?
"Ma'am GO! There is your car." he said pointing towards the corner where I had parked my car. "Hurry alright? I'll create a distraction that'll buy you guys time to make your escape."
I couldn't feel the keys in my pocket after multiple efforts I finally found them.
And then looked at Zayn who was still staring at me.
We waited for the bar tender to give us the go sign then jostled each other to the car running.
I could feel a few flashes on my face on reaching the last steps to the car.

Zayn got in the front seat I got in the drivers seat.
How in the world was I gonna drive when I can't see two feet in front of me!?
Without thinking I started the car and sped of .
Thank God it was at least moving. I knew I could get in a bad bad accident with the speed I'm driving and how I'm not thinking straight.
I don't even think I'm checking the rear mirrors.
I don't even know where I'm headed?
God. These London streets are so confusing.
Still I didn't loose my feet from the accelerator and sped off to the unknown.
I had to.
There were a lot of people out there.
They could be still following us.
But with the speed I don't think anyone could have been successful in following me unless they plan on killing themselves .

The car stopped with a bump.

I hope I didn't hit a truck or tree or anything?

Did we get in accident now?

I opened my eyes to check.
Just we had run out of fuel.
In the middle of nowhere.
All I could see were trees at both a
We had run out of fuel.
At I don't even know what time it is?

I looked at Zayn to find him playing with the radio as he attached a USB to my cars music player.

A cocky tune started playing. Followed by drum beats...
I could feel my head swaying to the sides and my legs working in sync with the song.
Zayn opened his door and stepped out of the car and started jumping and then jogging a bit.
And dancing to the song.
I climbed out of the car too. And danced like I never had before.
Dancing my way to zayn I danced with him. Zayn knew the words to the song. Could this even be one of his bands song?

Zayn took out a bottle of vodka from his jacket and took a sip and then gave me it. I took one big sip too.

I don't know if it was the song or the vodka that I felt so full of energy that I clambered on top my car engine and started dancing on top of it then. Sat on the roof.
Dancing. I stood on top of the roof of my car.
Then jumped down and started dancing with zayn .
As if he was mine and he didn't pull back.
He followed and continued.
He wrapped his arm around me as we started walking around the streets .
The sound of the song was echoing all over the place probably cause of the trees or I don't know.
He started playfully kicking my legs and I did the same.
Was this really happening? Was I really dancing with Zayn Malik.?
Was he really not having any issues with it?
Or is he too drunk to know anything.
Whatever it is. I love it and I dont want this to end ever.
Zayn twirled me around as he held my hand. Then we started dancing like a crazy person.
I don't know what dance moves I was pulling but zayn was definitely pulling off the craziest and the funniest dance moves this entire world has ever witnessed.
As he laughed that beautiful laugh. Still continuing with his crazy dance. The songs kept changing and I don't know till when we kept dancing .
I don't know when we switched off the songs and when we got tired and when we slept.
I woke up to the birds chattering and the bright sunlight that kind of blurred my vision for like a few seconds until the world came back to my view.
I was in the back seat of the car and zayn was in the front with his legs hanging out of the window.
My headached as I tried to remember last night.
How much did we even drink?
But did that even matter? I don't think so. Last night was one of the best I ever had.
The most magical one.
I kind of catch myself staring at zayn. As I realize. We should get home I also have to go to university

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 30, 2018 ⏰

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