Chapter 9

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Across the wall of the world,

A river sings a beautiful song.

-Maya Angelou


It's been nearly a week I've finally gotten used to this life , the routines of Raikha, my roommate.Although she  still surprises me sometimes.

I've gotten used to of walking to the University then walking to the library with Claire. Then talking to my FAM Bam in the night. I didn't really get time to explore London .But I think I have a lot of time to do so.

I cracked the egg accompanied by  the usual loud prayers of Raikha that she says every morning.

The sizzling noise start coming out of the frying egg. I pour milk in my glass as I turn the page of my The Great expectations  by Charles Dickinson with the other hand.

I can't hear Rikha's voice now. I'm guessing she has stopped praying then what does she do next? I tried to remember.

Oh yeah! Observe me like a creeper while of course dancing to songs on her headset.

I hope no one sees her dance cause they'll probably start laughing and that'll just upset her. She dances worse then a monkey. But believe me after a whole week and two days I think this dance has drained all the humor from itself for me.

I gulped my milk and stuffed the egg in my mouth. I continued reading. The stare of raikha doesn't effect me that much anymore as it did in the first three days. I swear I could have forked her to death in those days.

But now I just know it's her habit or nature.

I changed my clothes and got ready to go to university.

I still haven't figured out a single thing about Raikha, other than that she is Indian.

See the problem with her is that she doesn't talk that much. She only speaks a single sentence per day. I wasted many days asking worth less questions the best 4 answers she gave me were.

No 1.

What's your name ?

Raikha Parveen Singh.

No 2:

Why do you monkey dance every morning ?

It's not monkey dance it's Yoga.

No 3:

Can you please turn down the rock music it's 3 am!

"Yes I can, But it isn't 3 a.m It is 3:17 a.m."

No. 4:

"Do you belong to the Adam's Family?"

"No I don't. I belong to the Singh family from India."

I started walking towards the University. It was drizzling a bit. The weather was airy and wet. Everyone on the road was holding umbrellas. I was the only one without an umbrella or raincoat.

I hid my head under a book and started running towards the main hall.Although it wasn't raining that much but you never know in which second will the thunder struck.

I saw Claire in the hallway her face poked inside her novel and walking straight into a guy ...I went to her rescue but I was late...

Claire was now on the floor while the guy just hollered at us

"You can't see dweeb? You need to get a treatment."

He shrugged and started walking

"Hey mind your language." I shouted at him.

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