Chapter 24

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Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't.
- Shakespeare

It was a smooth drive. The silence was the only thing that was killing me slowly. I could feel zayn's eyes on the side of my face.Sometimes I would return his glance with a smile still his expression remained cold as ice. Still I tried my best to focus on the road.

But there was just something about the way he was looking at me. I don't know if he's ever looked at me like this before. It's probably the alcohol but mind and heart are two different creatures as my mind says it's before of that poison he drank on the other side my heart says it's because another reason.

Stupid heart.

Mid way I started laughing because firstly i am talking to myself what kind of idiot zayn has converted me into and secondly the realization of what I was just about to do hit me like a ton of bricks.

I was gonna get drunk.


what have I even put myself into.
I'm gonna get drunk.
Alcohol. The thing I've spend my life hating and critisizing after witnessing my uncle's death. I knew nothing good could ever come out of that bottle .
And here I am gonna get drunk with Zayn. And hope he doesn't feel the need to drink again after this last time.
The idea was as weird as it sounded and now that I think of it I think there's a very less chance of it becoming a success.
And well this is a real big deal for me.
Cause I remember the day I saw uncle Ben die and me swearing to life to never drink a drop of this poison that ruins not only life but also the lives of the people around you.

I turn around to look at Zayn for the last time as I parked the car.
He was still looking at me with the same empty expression yet full of something I'm unaware of.
I gave him another encouraging smile and then a look of assurity .
"You remember the promise, right? Drunk for a lifetime?"
Even in those drunken eyes I could see a flicker of amusement like some part of him that was still conscious as he nodded and his edges of lips curled.
And he looked at me as if challenging me.
Are you really gonna do this, Victoria?

I nodded giving him a wider smile. Although inside i was hyperventilating like a crazy fangirl and i am sure that i'm sweating like a pig.
I helped him inside the club which was questionably empty .
I'm glad cause I was also afraid of running into zayn's fans.
We take a table near the window. The bar was not as big as the one I had got Zayn out of. It wasn't even that luxurious. But it was the only one I knew of and wasn't hard to find in this time of the night.
The bar attender came to our table.
He handed us both a menu.
Without even opening I turned towards the bar attender.
"Give us the strongest you've got. And please don't stop serving us until you think we are completely wasted . Okay? " I said smiling at the bar attender .
Who was quite taken a back by this. Who expects a literature student dressed like Emma from the Jane Austen novel to say this?
But still he tried hiding his surprise as he took our menus back. "As you wish Ma'am." He said returning the smile .

Zayn had been staring at me since we've settled in. I looked at him and prayed this works.
Whatever and however crazy it is. I hope it works.
Our drinks were brought in a minute.
I took my glass Zayn took his.
"Here's to a brand new start? " I said placing my glass in the air and then making it clink with Zayns.
Zayn still looked at me with the same intensity but I could notice his lips curl abit as he lifted his glass to his lips , "To a brand new start" he said hoarsely before gulping down the drink.
I clasped my hands tightly as I looked at the horrible smelled and red coloured drink. Gaining courage I got it near my lips. I closed my eyes as I drank a sip of it.
It was actually bitter so I gulped it fast.
Then one look at Zayn was enough to strengthen me to gulp down the entire glass.
I was doing this for zayn.

Flight 295 {Zayn Malik Fan Fiction}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt