Chapter 6

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We know what we are, but know not what we may be.



I gestured him to come. My tears were all over face. He was making his way towards me.

"What happened?" He asked passively.

"I ..a ... they found drugs in my bag. I swear they aren't mine." I stammered

"I don't know where it came from. I really don't know." I collapsed after saying that and cried like a lover in one of Shakespeare books.

"Hey it's OK Don't cry I'll talk to these people." He said assuring me

I didn't even notice when I had fallen in his arms and he was hugging me. I noticed when he pulled me away then took of his sunglasses and made way towards the security office.

After about ten minutes He came out with an officer or at least that man looked like one.

"There has to be a misunderstanding." I could hear him say.

"No, Sir the guard found that packet in her bag." said the officer

"Someone must've popped it in her bag. She is just eighteen. It's her first time here. She can't be." He said disbelievingly

" Well just because you are pressing on this I'll see if anyone with drugs tailoring history had sat near her during the flight." The officer said to him

I was tearing up.

"It's going to be OK." He said to me.

"I'm sorry that I'm asking you that but are you sure that packet wasn't yours?" He inquired me

"NO! Please believe me. I'm totally against drugs and it's use. I can't believe they are framing with this big of a lie." I stammered with tears dropping from my face.

"I believe you." He said to me staring right in my eyes.

It was good to feel that in this lonely place at least there was someone who believed me and was helping me.

'Thank you." I whimpered.

"You don't need to say that. The charges haven't been dropped yet."

"No, Thank you for believing me." I said struggling to control my tears.

We sat in a corner. His phone rang.

"I have to take this." He said to me and walked away.

"Yes, Harry." He said.

"No I have reached London but I can't come I have something important to finish here. Some passport stuff.... " He lied.

I don't want him lie for me I don't even want him to stay for me if he doesn't want to..

He closed the phone and them turned towards me.

"It's going to be alright , I promise. " He said to me.

Though those were just words but they made me feel so better.

" But you don't have to stay here for me You can go if you want to." I told him. Although didn't want him to go at all.


"I'm here because I choose to be. You don't need to worry about the decisions I make for myself." He said to me politely smiling.

I can't believe it. How did God send such good male humans in the 21st century . I thought the last of good male humans were in the 16th century during the era of Shakespeare.

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