Chapter 20

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Saying nothing... sometimes says the most.

-Emily Dickinson


After explaining Raikha how I met. Zayn on flight 295 and everything I got my chance to get some answers.

According to Raikha Zayn is not just a 'thing' here in London but his band is the world's biggest boy band right now.

I couldn't believe how I could have been on such a big miss. All these times I've met him and not a trace of pride or arrogance of a rich famous person hit me.

Anyhow the feeling of emptiness and uneasiness wasn't leaving me since Zayn had left in such a broken state.

No words can describe the look in his eyes no explanation could be given to why we looked so sullen.

I knew I had to go find him and find the answers. So I made Raikha promise that she won't tell anything about zayn to anyone although it was really hard and I had to agree on making her meet the rest of the boys one day, she finally promised.

I left without another word. I drove straight to Zayns house. Where else could he go?

The main gate was  left open. So I made my way inside.

As I stepped in the house a strong smell of weed , tobacco and alcohol hit me so hard that my gut was feeling the need to vomit.

I realized where this could be coming from when I stepped into the living room and saw Zayn lying on the floor sucking a cigarette.

The room was a mess the pillows were thrown the chairs sofas upside down. The things on the kitchen table were all scattered around as if someone had thrown them.

Without a word I walked towards zayn dodging the empty vodka bottles and sat by him.

The smell of cigarette was so strong from him. This sight filled my ears with tears. My heart shrinked and felt like it stopped. Fighting the tears and everything I felt in that moment. My voice cracking I was able to gasp. "Why?"

And the tears started falling . I couldn't contain it anymore.

"Zayn why don't you understand! It breaks my heart in a million pieces to see you in this state. Not be able to reach to you. Zayn. Please why don't you understand I love you..." I couldn't even talk anymore. Hiccupping . Crying.

"Zayn please stop smoking and talk to me! We can solve it together. Please believe me. I swear. You'll be alright. But if you won't talk to me how will I help you. Like remember when I was stuck in flight 295 for drugs tailoring if I wouldn't have called you for help I wouldn't have been here. Please this is my only chance to help you. "

"I could die a thousands times , Zayn, but it won't hurt as much as it is to see you suffering."

"Zayn, please don't do this to me."




He kept sucking on his cigerette as it vanished.

He coughed deeply , painfully and took another pack out of his pocket and lighted another cigarette.

All I could do was watch him. Watch him kill himself and kill me.

Why is he doing this.!!!

We sat there in silence for maybe a half an hour I knew leaving him in this state was impossible for me. If I can't do anything I may as well just sit here and watch him torture himself and..... me.

My nose was now used to the smell of weed and ears swore with the sound of Zayns strenuous coughs now and then.

And I couldn't do anything.

I can't do no thing.!

After hours of sitting silently on the floor crying and thinking and suffering.

Zayn started speaking as if he was talking to himself as if in his own zone.

"I wanted to marry her. Have a life with her.  I wanted a forever with her. Her smile. Her kiss. Her heart. Her talks. They made me so happy. I thought we were infinite. Nothing could bring us down. I loved her so much..... Maybe more than I ever loved myself.But she..." His voice changed into a voice full of hatred and sadness and a twig of hopelessness.

" She was never mine! ... her band mates even kept it a secret even when they knew how much Perrie meant to me. All this time!....She was so flawless.! She was so brilliant in her act.! So f***ing brillant!" He kicked the the glass table sitting  in front of us and tears started falling his eyes.

I jumped and cried.

"Zayn! Stop it please."

"No Victoria. You won't understand.!" He closed his eyes as a few tears still escaped.

I placed my hand over his.

He froze.

And then stared at me with his eyes still filled with sadness.

And removed his hand under mine and got up .

Loose at his balance I got up to support him .

He backed me off murmuring , "no, not again."

Falling and getting up he made his way to the kitchen table and opened a wine bottle and started drinking.

"Zayn. Alright I get it. I know breakups are hard and really hurtful but you cant just stop living because of one person. There are so many people for whom you mean the world to. Think of them. Zayn please. Be strong.These things aren't the solutions to our problems. These cigarettes will just make you forget your problems  for awhile but that doesn't mean they'll go away by them. The problems will come back after the effect of these Mary js finish off. "

He stayed silent and kept drinking the wine no matter what I said.

My heart was on the verge of stopping when I thought maybe talking about this is no ordeal we should find a distraction.

" OK. Fine . Now shut up and get up Zayn we are watching pride and prejudice." With that I opened the laptop and started playing the movie. Although Zayn still continued drinking I could feel he was watching the movie.

I walked him to his bed room and made his bed and he laid there.

I stuck around until he fell asleep.

I took away the empty bottle from him. As he lay all so innocently and looked flawless as always.

I closed the light as I made way to the living room and cleared as much mess as I could.  Clearing the place I couldn't stop thing to understand why Perrie would do anything like that. What I could understand from his talks was defiently that she cheated on him.

So how could she cheat on someone as good as Zayn . How could she!? How dare she!?

All I could feel now was extreme hatred towards her . How dare she make Zayn suffer so much and so sad!? Why did she!!!

I heard the front door click . I picked up all the empty vodka bottles and was about to throw them when I saw Harry enter the living room.



I literally hate this situation. Can't imagine Zayn hurting. It is so painful.

Anyways How was the CHAPTER!???



Love you all! :) 

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