Chapter 13

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Smile. Tomorrow's going to be worse -Robert Frost.


Is it crazy that I'm just so happy these days for no specific reason?

Is London really effecting my nervous system? Or has everything just become brighter ? Are the leaves all suddenly so green and serene and the flowers have just suddenly blossomed with it's sweet fragrance swarming this entire world.

Or are these just side effects of day dreaming about a British tattooed stranger who I met on Flight 295?

God knows.

But anyways let me enjoy this day and this new found feeling as long as I can.

I turned towards Claire who was engrossed in jotting down notes and what not.

While I'm doodling hearts and happy sunshines on my notebook as I've been doing in the past three days.

Well who said meeting Zayn doesn't have side effects. It's been three days and I'm sure the side effects are as strong as they were two days ago.

I stare at the teacher who is now telling us stuff about Robert Stevenson.

I always liked Robert Stevenson and his work but this just don't entrance me anymore.

I take out my mobile and scroll through my messages like I've been doing constantly since the past days.

He didn't text or call me as I expected. Yet than why is my heart beset with gloom?

Probably he is really busy. I mean everyone has a life I'm no one to just interfere and complain about it.

It's weird how much I miss him. I want to see him again so bad.

"Are you planning to sit here the whole day.? " Claire turns towards me.

I notice that only a few students are there in the class.

My face flushes. Was I this lost in thoughts?

YES, I was.

I grab my notebook and get up.

"Doodling won't make you a poetess. You don't even focus during the lectures." Claire lectures me as we walk towards the hall way." What's got into you? You are acting as if you are sitting on a cloud or something. You are acting pretty weird since the last few days? Are you OK? Or is this because of your room mate. See I had warned you before too that sharing a room with such an unproductive person is a huge risk. She could be contagious."

She quietens up as we take seats in the cafeteria and order our meals.

"Whats wrong with you? You used to be the one who could never shut up and now I'm the one who's talking and using vocal chords. Because you are so lost in your thoughts."

"OK. I'll tell you then. And please it isn't because of Raikha. See, I met a guy on my flight here . He is really handsome, to be honest ,and just so genuine and nice. I think I really like him."

I said I could feel my cheeks burning at this yet I gulped my cappuccino.

" What. Why didn't you tell me about him? And are you sure about him? I mean you met him on a flight. God knows he could be a mass murderer. " Claire said with the same terror that I remember I had a few weeks ago.

"Well I have met him three times and he hasn't killed me yet." I said my cheeks still warm.

"Oh. so you finally found your romeo?" She said trying her best to sound cheesy and stuff.

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