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I'm Victoria Granger

Age : 18

Height: 5'6

I'm mentally married to Oscar Wilde and my best friend is Emily Dickinson some call her my imaginary friend which is simply rude.

Anyways don't distract me especially when I'm already so nervous.

Yes, I'm going to post my application with my mark sheets and stuff to apply for a scholarship at .....

the one and only that I'd like to go even more than I like to go to the library...the place that I die to go to...

Harvard University...

Yes, the one in London.

And not just that but to study English Literature there.

My love for English Literature started when I met Shakespeare in 7th grade and then it just increased and increased.

I just noticed my hand have just started to shiver as I am about to put the letter in the box.

The letter left my sweaty hands and


I just posted my letter,

I'm starting to have a minor headache.

This is what happens now cause now fate is not in my hands but in God's hand.

I just hope and pray that I accomplish this one thing that I've been dreaming of since I don't even remember.

Anyways now that my mom is driving me home back to my introduction.

You know what Robert Frost (I fell in love with him but then Oscar Wilde came into my life ....) says :

"Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it."

I belong to the second half and I'm sorry I would have a debate with Mr.Robert (Only if he was alive) that I have soooo much to say which is why I can't stop talking and that he was wrong in the first time in his life which is totally fine because he was also only a human.

So yeah I got this wacky habit of never shutting up. I can go on and on for days I'm not even kidding.

I say what I feel. I call it straight forwardness while others call it rudeness or impoliteness.

"Momm what are you doing it's as if I'm taking off on a rocket.I'm sorry mom but the engine doesn't make this much of noise when dad drives it. You gotta transfer the liquid pressure just as Pascal says in his law, mother."

"Shut up! Viccy You don't even know how to drive! Let me concentrate." My mother exclaimed clearly she wasn't in her best moods

"As a matter of fact I do know how to drive but I don't know how to implement it on a car which is a machine. Machines are alien to me mother just like Zander our neighbor is. But once I befriend with machines and all our clans become allies we'll be friends forever then I'll finally learn how to drive." I argued in defence

I don't think my mom even heard clearly what I was talking about but anyways my car is moving so that's a good sign. can I talk about some serious stuff. Like how amazing Emily Dickinson and Maya Angelou has been honestly without them I wouldn't have survived a single day in high school but finally I'm out of that horrible place.

"Mommmmm.It was a red signal. Haven't you heard the nursery rhyme on it,

Red light ,red light what do you say

Stop just stop right away."

"Why are you singing nursery rhymes Victoria?Have you lost like all of your neurons."

I could have started debating on that but I controlled myself cause I already could hear the sirens of the police.

Here goes my life....

wait here goes the police over taking us. Lalalala


After all the feedback I thought of making this story better this is the prologue I'll spend like a few days to make the next chapters better too and then finally I'll continue from where I left off.

Thanks for rating and reading

Hopefully this is better than the previous stuff let me know by commenting

P.S Keep on reading there is some great stuff on it's way... believe me.


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