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Although you hadn't agreed on it, you'd find yourself back in the comforts of your home, back against the door. Tears leaked from your eyes yet you remained muted, just a husk of worry and troubled thoughts. 

Shiro told you to simply go along with his so-called "plan" the best you could, if not ... then he'd be more than happy to motivate you by murdering someone else. At least he wasn't planning to hurt Seiichiro.. Though that wasn't enough to settle things for good, because with his strange shifts in personalities, you had no doubt that he wouldn't mind killing his brother with his own bare hands. 

As much as you didn't want to go to school tomorrow, you couldn't bring yourself to saunter up to the potential consequences upon doing so. Shiro is very unpredictable, you knew that first-handedly.

You brought your body away from the door, as if groggy. 'I won't be able to look at him and smile like I used to... How long will I have to put up with this? Until graduation?' Reaching your bathroom, you reached for the lightswitch, and then moved your eyes to the large mirror just above your sink. 'Maybe I should move away and without a trace... Will that lunatic be able to find me?'

Turning on your faucet, you ran your hand below the warm water only to check the temperature, right before lowering your head to splash your face. 'I need to get a grip! Right now is the most optimum moment to call the police! Shiro's in his own place, while I'm in mine! This opportunity is almost too perfect..' 

Starting to frantically pat down your uniform, you went through your pockets to search for your device, but your phone was no where to be found, surprisingly enough.

Almost as if you were defeated, you stumbled in fear. "Did... he take it from me while I was unconscious? It's.. That's the only way i know that he could've taken it!" You bit your thumb nail in worry. "If he'd known that I'd do this.. Then he seriously is smarter than he looks..."

You left your bathroom, keeping your movements stiff and quiet as if he could hear you. "It doesn't matter though, because I have a spare." Your bedroom door was pushed open, and hastily pulling out your beside drawer your spare cell phone had been revealed. Settling down to sit against your bed in the seconds you plugged it into the charger, you'd frantically power it on.

"Come on.. Come on... get me out of this hellhole..."

Finally, your screensaver was revealed. Typing in your password, you failed to get it right a few times, since your hands trembled relentlessly. You pulled up 911 on the dial pad, and once it began to ring you brought it up to your ear before looking around.

Trying to get to the other line was painful. It rang and rang, seemingly endless.. But once you could hear that you reached the police station, your intimidation weighed your shoulders down, feeling like you'd become prey in an instant. You knew for a fact that you were being watched, and at that...

You knew exactly where to look.

The phone in your hand lowering, the tension rose while you slowly started to tilt your head up to stare at the ceiling.

"Hello? This is 911, operator Kohei speaking. What's your emergency?"

Sure, you could hear the man on the other line speaking loud and clear, but you couldn't even bring yourself to utter a word due to the sight above you. You were riddled with trembles, tears came from your sockets, and you lost the will to fight.

Within your dim bedroom, a red eye seemed to illuminate a bright glow as it gazed toward you without batting an eyelash. It wasn't a figure of your imagination, you knew that for certain, and you knew who those demented crimson hues belonged to.

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now