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"443 Karatsu Street.. Postal code 407.. yep, this looks like the place."

In your hand was a ripped piece of paper, and written on it was the address of your new home. A lovely, though somewhat small 1-2 bedroom homely architecture commonly used by college students and the like. But for you, you were just an average high school student who struggled with finding affordable, proper dormitories. You were sent away by your parents to live the city life, ways apart from them. You all agreed that so long as you maintained your focus on your studies, they'd send you monthly allowances- enough to both pay your bills and keep your stomach full.

In other words, you were quite privileged.

You stuffed the note into the back pocket of your jeans and glanced at the dozen of boxes surrounding the moving truck parked just outside the apartment, and while you dreaded the amount of work you were getting yourself into- you decided to gather up your motivation before determination overtook your [E/C] irises.

Taking up a few boxes one by one- the hours went by slowly; despite how efficiently you were working. Sweat trailed down your chin by the time you were on your last haul as you worked your way up the steps to your front door.. and you greatly appreciated the fact that the heavy cardboard blocked your view in the meantime. Soon enough, the energetic and happy barks coming from a dog snatched your attention- leading to an abrupt sense of awareness once the patter of paws went rushing past you.

"Kaz! Get back here!"

Cried a masculine voice- sounding hurried, yet not too displeased. If anything, it sounds like the chase was harmless.. simply a dog and it's owner dealing with each other's daily mischief. Unfortunately it resulted in the young man staggering forward, to which the both of you knocked into each other. The force of it all made you step back with a yelp. "Woah!" Good thing you stood your balance, otherwise you would've gone tipping over like a devastated building would.

"Hey, watch it! I can barely see as it is!" You'd hiss, tilting your head to the right so you could fully take into account the face of this new encounter. And in doing so, it was quickly discovered that this particular young man had facial charms unlike anyone you've ever met. I mean even if you had, there's no way someone as handsome as him would ever make eye contact with a couch potato like you.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" He quietly cursed beneath his breath, giving you a quick bow in response. "My dog just rushed out of my place, so..." Albino hair rooting neatly with a slight fringe, golden-yellow optics which reminded you of rays of sunlight, and a charming student uniform to suit his flamboyant personality.

Naturally, your rude impression switched up within a heartbeat.

"Aha.. don't worry about it! I uh- didn't see you there!" You forced an awkward smile and then readjusted the box you were trying to cradle in your arms. This lead the stranger to gradually descend his gaze towards what you were holding, only to tap the cardboard while raising an eyebrow.


You batted your unfocused eyes in a weird daze. For some reason, you felt as though you knew exactly what he was bound to say next-only you were simply too freaked out to believe such a gut feeling, seemingly coming out of nowhere. You really couldn't explain it..but just looking at this guy's face had given you a heart-sinking case of deja vu.

As well as a sickening amount of chills.

"Are you there? Do you need help with that?" He snapped you out of the reality you were questioning, gently offering you his help- but something got stuck in your throat.. halting your projectory. You hesitated for a while, and it was stupid to think he wouldn't notice. "O-Oh, no I'm okay. Thanks, though." You scurried on by, pretty unaccustomed to the stare he was giving you. His gaze, it seemed so uncanny. Like he could see right through you.

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now