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Suddenly your eyes snapped open once your alarm clock breached your ears with continuous ear piercing screeches until you decided to slap your hand over it and turn it off. You groaned, clearly you didn't feel like throwing yourself out of bed.. but you really had no choice.

It was around 6 am. You wanted to wake up early so you could make yourself some packed lunch for you and your classmate.

Did you forget?

You agreed to make Shiro his lunches willingly.

With that said, getting your packed lunches done was the first and biggest priority. So you put on your apron and went to cooking before beginning your morning. Afterwards you took a shower, got dressed, and officially began the start to your school day when you tied your shoes and opened the door- insinuating your thorough routine, or habits, were ready to be repeated tomorrow.

Turning around momentarily, you locked your door using your house key--then placed it in a secure place in your school bag. And during this, you heard a door that was one door away cracking open before it opened completely. Out first stepped the oldest twin, and behind him had been Shiro who also decided to lock the door.

You stood there, instinctively about to wish the both of them a good morning -- that is, until they happened to notice you first. There was no ignoring you. "Lookie here, it's [L/N]." Seiichiro, like always, looked pretty happy to see you; but Shiro on the other hand, seemed to tense up every time. "Good morning." Seiichiro spoke clearly, to which his brother was inclined to speak afterwards.

"...Good morning." Shiro locked his red eyes onto you, leaving you with no choice than to respond a little hesitantly, "Good morning to the two of you!" You cleared your throat, looking to the side to promptly avoid a certain person's fixation on you. "Eh.. how about we all walk to school together? It beats the awkward silence, yeah?"

You gestured with your hand and the two went sauntering up to you in no time, neither declining the invitation or leaving you hanging. Now joining you on your right was Shiro, whilst his brother followed suit on the opposite wing. Considering your interaction with the red-eyed youngest has been stale thus far; you wouldn't dare admit that you could genuinely get used to his distant, calm personality. The silence that surrounds him felt comforting, in a sense. It's a total contrast to Seiichiro and his.. somewhat exhausting extroversion.

"..." The three of you were heading to school, simply listening to the sounds of life and each other's footsteps as it tapped against the cemented sidewalks. It was only until you caught Shiro sneaking a glance at you did someone finally break the unmindful silence.

"What are you thinking about over there, huh Shiro? I can tell that you're itching to talk." Seiichiro crossed his arms and directly addressed what you couldn't notice at all. I mean it definitely wasn't that surprising since these were twins who knew everything about each other -- but it was almost a skill to be able to pick apart Shiro's emotions with such precision.

So you poked your eyes into his direction, noticing that he just stared at his older brother in discontent. "I'm just thinking about your girlfriend. You should put a tight leash on her." Shiro brought his eyes back forward and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "She might cause [L/N] some more trouble today."

You perked up from the mention. Thinking about that girl's toxic personality utterly infuriated you--but Shiro might just be right to administer caution. "Oh, right- what's the deal with that girl anyway? Yesterday she just exploded like a crazy firecracker! We never really had the chance to talk about why she blew up in the first place."

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now