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It was late during the night, and you heard fumbling going on. Not above you, but beside you. Slightly irritated as these noises continued, you tossed and turned, before finally rising.

"What's going on??" You sneaked a glance at your alarm clock. "It's two AM!" Scooting to the end of the bed, you had slipped on your white bedroom slippers, and decided to check out the commotion. Part of your body argued with one another, as you made reluctant steps.

Now outside, the noises grew louder. While peering down the hallway with cricket noises filling your ears, the culprit for your discomfort was one door down; Seiichiro's home.

The [H/C]-haired young girl squinted her eyes. "What is he doing...?" You asked aloud, all while approaching the door. As your feet stopped at the doormatts, a gentle knock would be heard from your side.

You waited.

All movements within his house suddenly grew quiet.

Seconds lasted for decades, feeling sort of nervous that you came alone so late. Improper subjects breached your mind, altering your previously normal skin complexion. "H-Hold on, now's not the time!" 

Just as you were putting down your feelings, the door ahead of you had unlocked, and eventually it parted open. Yellow eyes stared at you for quite some time, as his eyebrow remained raised. "Hello? What's up?" Seiichiro inquired, earning your full attention. 'She's been visiting me a lot recently...'

You wouldn't admit it, but even his gaze made you feel a bit nervous. "I was just hearing a lot of noise... is everything alright in there?"

Seiichiro nodded his head. "Oh- Sorry about that, I was actually moving things around. Y'know, typical rennovation. I'll be more quiet." He had then sent you a small smile. "But, you should..."

"You should...."

As you listened, you tilted your head, realizing that he was attempting to speak out to you. Seiichiro would eye your pajamas from top to bottom, while a blush spread across his face like wildfire. Noticeably, his body would have been trembling from excitement.

"Ne... Nevermind, go to sleep before you end up sleep deprived. Good night!"

"I should say the sa-" Seiichiro quickly closed the door, causing a quiet yet abrupt noise. Blinking profusely, you began to collect your thoughts, a hand placed to your cheek. "He's acting so strange... I wonder what it is.."

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the door, Seiichiro leaned against the wood, his head lowered. One of his hands reached to grip onto his jacket on his left side, while the other grasped onto his white hair almost desperately, as if he was breaking down.


"Calm down... I.. need to .. keep calm.."

He breathlessly whispered. Seiichiro closed his eyes gently, listening closely as you had began to walk away from his doorway and back into your own abode. In an instant, he began to reminisce on your attire.

It was then did his dog began to bark uncontrollably, earning his attention. As Kazuma barked, frequent noises of what sounded to be chains vigorously clattered, causing Seiichiro to sigh deeply as he slowly leaned away.


His hand which had been firmly holding onto his locks had lowered, and it eventually delve into his pocket.

Reaching out of it would reveal two black gloves.

Tuesday, November 12th.
>[Time: 7:02AM]<

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now