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The sound of a water collision reverberated around the room whilst many onlookers spectated leisurely. Your eyes were wide and you staggered to the side to thoroughly process the situation. To Kirigiri's disappointment-- impulse had already taken a toll on you after she tried to ambush you. It actually happened far too quickly for you to understand; but you moved to the side swiftly as if you were acting upon instinct. Rather than landing on you, the water thrown from the bottle went for the other person right behind you-- and that was none other than Shiro Yuuki.

Once more, the crowd of third year students were simultaneously shushed into quietude seeing as yet another bystander had gotten involved all because of Kirigiri's recklessness. The water ended up drenching the majority of his face and white hair, and eventually went to soak his uniform as well. "..."

You instantly covered your mouth in guilt, meanwhile his older brother would've become more hysterical at how much this situation has escalated. Seeing his brother sitting there like a wet dog was both ridiculous and utterly hilarious!
"A-Ah, I'm sorry Shiro! I shouldn't have dodged if it was just going to hit you!!"

Subtle and nonchalant, Shiro wiped his face with his backhand as his eyes eased off to the side--promptly avoiding eye contact after the turn of events transpired. How embarrassing it was to be smacked in the face by water, right in front of you. "...No, it's fine." 'Course, all of this could've been avoided. He wouldn't be ridiculed by his so-called peers if not for the assailant just standing there with her emptied water bottle. "I really don't mind."

He has a knack for not showing his emotions, that's for sure. From how unbothered he looked-- you flat-out assumed that he was some sort of masochist. Only one person could spot the potential danger alluding from him, and that was his brother. Sensing the danger that crept from his aura, those crimson eyes locked onto Kirigiri for a split second; and in that period his hostility quietly crossed her path. "Sei, your girlfriend is pretty pathetic." Shiro admitted aloud as you were in the middle of rummaging through your bag for a handkerchief.

Now that it all soaked into everyone's consciousness, the students in the room became riled up after the unfair counter the redhead tried to execute. Since Shiro became involved, most of the girls in the classroom quickly took the opportunity to stand up and hand him napkins, as well as their tissues dotingly.

"Here, you can use my tissues to wipe your face!"

"No, here!! You can use my jacket if you want to!"

You were ultimately shoved out of your desk space from the ladies throwing themselves at the latest new student. Sighing, you saw the crowd thickening around an already overwhelmed Shiro and stood there holding a cherry-themed pink handkerchief in your dominant hand. So much for helping him-- you were certain he'd have more than enough help on his own.

Considering the twins garnered much attention, it was only a matter of time before they'd forget about you. "No, I'm fine. Thank you." He kept turning down their eager advances one by one, until not one single young lady remained.

"Look at you, mister oh-so-popular." Seeing that the flock was yet again dispersed without mercy, you saw this as an opportunity to place your handkerchief onto the desk of Shiro Yuuki. Watching him tense up at the gesture sent you a tinge of uncertainty- because as you saw it; he'd just turn you down along with many others. "If you don't need it, then that's fine. But if you're going to sit there like a wet dog, you should at least clean your face up!"

You plopped down into your seat and then picked up your chopsticks. Sure, Kirigiri was sending you malicious glares- but you knew better than to feed into her unrivaled rivalry. With that said, Shiro sat in his state of trance staring at the surprising item you left for him before he picked it up. As you started to continue eating your lunch, you didn't realize how much his attention lingered onto your handkerchief.

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن