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"Yeah, we're lovers now. [L/N] is only surprised because she didn't want to make it known publicly." Seiichiro kept his grip around your hand, and it only tightened while his yellow eyes slowly shifted into your direction. Unnoticeably, they glinted with insanity.


You perked up at the sound of his unbalanced, cold tone. The look in his eyes practically emitted the demand to subject to his words; forcing you to play along. "Uhm... Yes.." Looking back at Kirigiri, her eyebrow twitched in dismay. But without any other words, she circumvented around you both, entering the school.

As soon as she left, you quickly yanked your hand away, keeping a firm grip onto it. Your breathing eased, after realizing you had been holding it during their conversation. "Hey! What if she tells others that we're dating?! It's not going to look good on my behalf; I only started to attend this school for two days!" You then reached to place your palm to your forehead. "If you wanted to break up with her.. you shouldn't use me as an excuse..."

Seiichiro wasn't smiling. He held a look of disdain after you pulled your hand from him. And to further sadden him, you made your clearly unimpressed demeanor acknowledgeble. His brows burrowed. "Sorry. I doubt that it'll get out of hand. I'll make sure to tell Kiri the truth, so just hang in there."

His reassurance made you nod. "Thank you." Why were you so opposed to the idea of dating him? It's not like he was a bad person, and you liked him... just not enough. You didn't want to move so fast, or else wasted efforts may end up futile.

The male began to walk ahead of you, uncertain if he should feel happy, or sad. An empty feeling laid in the center of his heart. And in all honesty.. it's never gone away. But recently, he felt as though it was slowly closing, all because of you. You were the cure.

As of this moment, you had no idea that you were gradually digging a hole for yourself. You were too naive to share any regard for his feelings.

>[Time: 8:00 AM]<

As soon as the bell had rang to begin class, you remained quiet and obedient as your teacher went over the material everyone would be learning. Sensei Iki turned herself around and used the chalk to display the following subject. Quietly, you clicked your pen, watching as intently as you could.

It was then that faint muttering managed to catch your ears. Tilting your head, you'd glance over at the other students in the room, whispering discreetly. 'I wonder what they are talking about..'

The students continuously gazed over at you with confused, astonished faces. This immediately forced you into a revelation. Sweat rolled from your cheek, feeling deterred from the miraculous shift in atmosphere. You were growing far too anxious, as of now you felt like everyone in the room had been watching you with judgemental eyes.

"She's dating Seiichiro Yuuki?"

"Huh. She just start attending this school."

"Yuuki broke up with Yatsouba for her? Tough luck."

"Maybe she blackmailed him."

"Judging from yesterday, they must have a history together, right?"

The pen in your hand vibrated while you trembled from a large mix of emotions. Your mind spun. 'This isn't fair..' You thought, 'I shouldn't be talked about so badly... I did nothing to deserve this..' Lowering your head, you decided to come to agreement with this situation. Seiichiro did tell you that he'd fix the mess he created.

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now