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Subjecting to Shiro seemed like the only viable option. Earning his distrust then and there was not what you were looking for, after all, you needed to search for an opening to escape.

Shiro grabbed hold of your trembling hand to allow the both of you to stand. From there, he'd stare into your eyes, noticing the uncertainty in them. It made him nervous. He wanted to make sure you were willing to stay beside him. "..Are you sure?"

His expression suddenly grimaced, and his cold red eyes almost forced you to admit your true disgust about his ideals. "...I'm not an idiot, [Y/N]. If you think you'll have an greater chance of betraying me, you'll only end up like my idiot of a brother."

You pursed your lips, before a nod of your head left you. "I'm sure, Shiro..." Noticing the male perked up, he leaned in closely, his skin spreading with a bright red. Lips twitching into the faintest smile, he gazed at you softly while you wondered why his demeanor suddenly altered.

"Could you.. say my name again? It's the first time you've said it." Taking your cheeks into his care delicately, your stomach churned in response. Although this was somewhat affectionate, knowing what he's done did not throw an romantic twist into things. But, you couldn't falter. Earn his trust. Save the real Seiichiro. Mourn over Neiji. 

A cracking smile that evidently trembled out of fear and nausea was forced into plain view. Your captor was too flustered to recognize this, however. "Erm.. Hi.. Shiro..." Your tone quieted ever so slowly, but it only left Shiro in captivation. Suddenly embracing you tightly, a strange feeling developed in his chest. It made his blood pressure rise, and for butterflies to subside. 

Too embarrassed to reveal the heavy dark red consuming his cheeks, his wrap around you tightened. "Thank you.." He mumbled. You on the other hand, didn't even return the hug. Your eyes fled to the corpse near you, and holding your breath you tried to push away your tears. In time, Shiro shifted back with the firm press of your shoulders. When he saw your puffy eyes, he got a little concerned. 

"Are you doing okay..? You're about to cry.. tears of happiness... right?" He wanted to believe that it was not because of anything else. Even if you made it clear that you weren't intent on returning his uncomfortable sense of love, he wanted to at least prevent you from saying those cruel words.  

Reluctant, as well as terrified of the consequence of being honest, you nodded your head. "Y.. Yeah... It's because... I'm happy.." The real answer was staring him right in the face. The male ahead of you smiled just a bit, and then glanced to his relative staring towards you both. It was obvious that Seiichiro detested his brother for what he's done, but he didn't have the strength to verbally retaliate. "To be honest, while I was slowly becoming Sei.. I hated every single time you called him. I wanted you to say my name so badly, [Y/N].."

You clenched your fists. With the way he was talking, you couldn't bite your tongue any longer. "Then.. why didn't you approach me like a normal person, huh?" You stepped away from him. "This all would've been avoided if you walked up to me and held out your hand with a smile! Shiro... your way of going about this extremely twisted.. why ... why can't you see that..? You murdered me and Seiichiro's friend! You almost killed Yatsouba!!" 

Reaching up to your head, you sobbed quietly. "What.. what do I have to do to make you stop all of this madness? Please, tell me.. so we can make this right. Of course, if this gets out to the police, you'll be sent to priso-" 

"Stop right there, my love." Shiro interrupted you, staring pensively. Your body vibrated with shivers, shaken by his sharp glare that pieced off your sanity.  "Nothing is going to separate us from each other. It's a fact." After noticing you took another step back, he pushed forward, sinking his hands into his pockets. "By the way.. about what you said earlier... there is one way you could help better this unfortunate predicament your own curiosity brought you into." 

You didn't like where this was heading.

Shiro grinned, until he shoved out a laugh. "I'm pretty sure you know what I'm trying to say here..." His words made your throat squeeze. But before you could utter his predisposed sentence, he spoke before you. 

"We'll act like none of this happened." 

You shifted your eyes away, not very happy that you knew this would've been what it had to come to. Something like this was never meant to be forgotten, it was a memory burned inside of your membrane. Shiro waited patiently since it appeared as if you were contemplating, but you were really concerned about the terrible dilemma. "Why are you thinking so deeply about it? This is the only logical move to make."

He smiled. "Every time school lets out, we can talk to each other normally! It sounds perfect, doesn't it? I'll keep protecting this secret of mine, and in the process you'll get to be with me! No one will get hurt, so long as you're here." Shiro returned his eyes onto his brother. "And as for him... I don't know yet." Nervously fiddling with the tips of his bangs, he released a chuckle that made you flinch. "You see... I'm not heartless enough to murder my own flesh and blood.."

Seiichiro's eyes widened, as if he thought back on the past. You then looked to him as well, eyebrows burrowing in disbelief. "Why is so beat up, then?! He looks like he'd die if stayed in here a day longer! Get him out of those shackles, right now Shiro. We have to focus on his health!!"

The other shook his head. "If I do that, it'll worsen things. And I only beat him because he was trying to retaliate..." Yet another smile lifted over his cold expression, only this time it was more sadistic than euphoric. "I'll let time run it's course. He'll die of starvation, without me needing to lay another finger on him."

His response made you feel vulnerable. Suddenly, you dropped onto your knees, at a complete loss for words. "What... What kind of brother... are you...? None of this... is right... You're the only person he has... And you ... do this?"

You could hear as Seiichiro began to anxiously jerk around, trying to move to the best of his ability upon seeing your despair controlling you. Shiro however, stood in his way. "He isn't worth a penny in comparison to you. I'm in love with you so deeply that I don't care what happens to him! That much is obvious!" He started to look down. "I thought you agreed with me, but I guess you only said that to put me at ease..."

Neither of you were stupid, and you both knew how taboo it was to earn the captor's trust only to stab them in the back.

"N.. No... I..." You whispered, trying to soothe him in spite of your lies being as clear as day. Grabbing your wrist, Shiro used his strength to make you stand. Acting naive, with one foot before the other he led you to the open door. "Let's not worry about my brother right now... You're obviously letting him get to you."

Seiichiro's struggling worsened the more you departed from him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't produce a comprehensible sentence.

His own welfare was not what he was fixated on. It was his brother. He knew him well, besides, he also shared something in common with him. Trying to seem genuine was merely something to disguise his deepest impulses. Shiro absolutely despised anyone who disagreed with him... you were no exception. And because of this ... he knew for certain what your outcome would be if you continued with this attitude of yours.


[Chapter END]

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