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The walk home was lonely and quiet.

Still, it was pretty peaceful. After witnessing utter brutality earlier, the trip had been enough to clear those reoccurring thoughts where you'd think back to Shiro's bloodied fists smeared in another man's blood. When you reached your doorstep you took out your key and then spared a brief glance to your neighbor's still door. Obviously you considered checking on them.. but you knew better than to stick your nose where it doesn't belong.

'I wonder if Seiichiro is talking to him right about now.' You'd think to yourself as you shoved your apartment key right into the keyhole. Then after a simple turn and twist-- you walked right inside.

Quickly you got settled and went to unwind; dropping yourself onto the only couch in your small living room. You let out a long sigh, slouching slowly yet surely to feel the sweet comfort of your couch cushions after such a harsh day at school. You left quite the impression today, and while it was your first... It definitely wasn't going to be your last.

"So, I have to do some homework.. and then unpack the rest of my things..." You started counting your fingers whilst you muttered aloud openly. The tasks that needed to be done couldn't wait, knowing you-- you'd end up procrastinating until your dying breath. And with little space to relax, you motivated yourself to get on your feet and carry on with your chores.

It took you less than two hours to complete some assignments, thankfully, as it could've easily been a drawn-out session of headaches and misery. You were currently hauling a few boxes to your bedroom, carefully going through load after load and placing items in their designated places. Unfortunately after all said and done, you had a few boxes remaining which took up free space within your small living room. Which means, not only do you have to travel up to the tiny, desolate attic upstairs -- but you also had to lug a few heavy cardboard boxes up while you do so.

The thought of going up there alone creeps you out more than achieving good grades.

So, what's the wisest decision? Potentially crushing your spine beneath the weight of your storage, or.. relying on those brothers? Your stomach twirled in knots upon thinking about Shiro, which is why you hesitated for such a long time. Seiichiro, on the other hand-seemed like the most rational route to take. He was the charismatic oldest-- devoid of malice and trustworthy-- to some extent.

You fought yourself to gather up some courage to approach your front door. Later you stood in front of the closed door of the twins you'd thought of seconds prior.. staring at the doorway instilled you with the promise of deja vu. It felt odd. Once again; you had a feeling you've done this before. It was enough to keep you spiraling, unable to distinguish what was reality or what was an illusion created by your mischievous brain.

You fidgeted around awkwardly, caught at a crossroads between shying away from the door and confidently raising your first to the doorframe only to back off. "Gosh, this would be so much easier if I just got his phone number or something..." You were heard muttering to yourself, and because of your distraction you didn't realize the figure of someone else looming right behind you. It was until you heard their footsteps that you whipped around quickly on instinct.

Obviously you looked startled. You couldn't hide that fact for the world. "Ah- damn it!" Cursing uncontrollably seemed to be your coping mechanism for that brief scare. When you settled your eyes onto the newest, golden-eyed visitor, your muscles immediately relaxed and you breathed out in relief. Thank god it was the young man you were hoping to encounter. "Oh, it's just you..."

Seiichiro appeared pleased already. He, similarly to his brother, would look elated by the sight of you. He stalled his sentence with ease, holding a confused-- but warm-- grin after he realized it was you loitering in front of their doorway. "I wasn't expecting you either. What are you doing talking to yourself right there?" He casually pointed at you, and in doing so, you noticed there was a convenience store bag in his other hand.

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now