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"..Sheesh, what's taking him so long?"

You whispered as you waited outside the nurse's office, strands of hair curling around your index finger. Although you were a bit hard on Seiichiro, he deserved a slap to the wrist. But after a few minute's passing, the male would have exited the room, his expression uplifting. "Oh, you were waiting for me?"

A nod left you, as your index finger now pointed down the hallway. "Let's get going. And by the way.. I hope you don't hang onto my words for too long. Don't feel guilty, or else I'll feel guilty too.." Your indirect sympathy caused Seiichiro to laugh. "I won't, [Y/N]." For a moment, he oddly enough; abruptly went silent. "I guess we should call each other by our last names now... You did clear up that misunderstanding after all."

The sound of noticeable disappointment filled his tone. Of course, falling into the oldest guilt trip in the book, you gulped and shook your head in a frantic motion. "No! We'll keep calling each other like this. Think of it as..." You snapped your fingers. "Ah! An advancement in our relationship!"

He went silent yet again. For you, it felt as though your declaration was wrong, but no, it was the opposite for your friend. Seiichiro's hand would grasp onto his face, concealing his mad blush. "That... would.. be great.." He'd reply softly, inflicted with an overbearing happiness you wouldn't be able to understand.

You smiled. "Good! But in any case.. Let's hurry. I sort of... forgot where the gymnasium is..."

>[Time: 5:00 PM]<

As it was now the end of the day, you had felt sudden lethargy. It was a bit hot, but you knew you could manage. Your gaze would raise up and at the gates, noticing Seiichiro had not been there, nor was he around you for that matter.

"Huh." You'd whisper. Up ahead, you spotted a figure. The shade belonging to nearby trees angled in a way to shield his features, but the more you grew closer; the more you gained closure on the person at hand.

"Iisei, is that you?"

The male turned slightly, lowering the phone in his hand. Almost as if you'd got used to that judgemental gaze of his, you silently allowed him to eye you carefully. "My blazer. Where is it?" He asked you in an icy tone, peering off furthermore in attempts to search for any other faces.

His inquiry lifted your shoulders, while recalling your actions earlier during Physical Education. Shamefully, you released a awkward laugh full of uneasiness about the incoming future. "I.. left it... in my locker belonging to gym..."

Neiji glared daggers, right as you began to reassure him. "Bu-But don't worry! I'll get it tomorrow!"

The male before you pushed up his glasses as he calmly listened. A shrug then came from him, revealing his careless opinion of the ordeal. "It's fine. I mainly just came here to talk, it's so weird how you're gullible and easy to trick."

You felt as though stones collided against your head heavily, earning your knocked figure. And although you were irritated, you didn't want him to acknowledge that, and so you proceeded to keep a steady expression, despite your twitching lips. "You're such a bully.... four eyes...." With a mutter near the end, your lips would purse.

Little did you know, he heard you entirely, and leaned forward with a hand on your head. His expression was as clear as day; noticeably phased in anger by your words. "Say that again and you'd wish you were dead."

Shivers swept down your spine, leading to nervous sweats. "Y-Yes sir." You immediately replied. Your submission earned a playful grin from the other, while he ruffled your head vigorously. Neiji then leaned away, his eyes now behind you as he spotted Seiichiro approaching.

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang