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"Yep! Friendly neighbors definitely sounds like a plan to me."

Said Seiichiro, passing you a smile in return. He then held up the bag of cookies, shaking it lightly while he winked at you playfully. "We're gonna go and enjoy these now, I'll leave you to it, [L/N]." Once again, Seiichiro elbowed Shiro, this time a little harder- because he noticed he still hadn't spoke a single word after his brief introduction with you.

"..Right, Shiro?"

"I don't like sweets though."

In seconds an awkward smile was pinned to your face, listening to the brothers conversate. Well.. actually... it was beginning to be less of a conversation, and more like a passive-aggressive argument.

"Come on, can't you just pretend for one second?"

"Why should I pretend?
It's not like I'm trying to be you."

Any further and you might think they'd be at each other throats any second here. While they are twins who are pretty fond of one another, something was telling you that their common interests weren't at all identical. Before all hell broke loose, you cleared your throat, causing their stare to resume back to you simultaneously. "I think that's enough, you two! I think I should leave you to your business now. But first-"

You pointed your index finger towards Shiro stately, and in return you earned his subtle flinch. "I'd like to have a quick chat with your little brother, if you don't mind."

That being said, Seiichiro nodded his head and gave his brother a quick pat on the shoulder before finally closing the door, temporarily shutting him out. He didn't dare ask questions, thankfully. Since the youngest was left behind with you, you could clearly see that he was becoming more and more tense. The way he kept sweeping his bangs downwards, easing away from your eyes, you assumed something was wrong. "Hey, listen.." You started- causing Shiro to look up, rather than at the wall.

"Do I ... know you, or something?"

Your facial expression suddenly turned dire and serious. You weren't going crazy, right? You couldn't explain it, but you had a deep feeling in your stomach proving that this young man was much more than a practical stranger. Shiro's expression quickly lit up in a panic, well, red panic if anything- and as much as he wanted to retreat backwards, his back was against the door.

"Ah.. well... no- this is the first time we've properly introduced ourselves." He grew more anxious the longer you stared at him. He seemed pressured.. like he was keeping a secret, so he rushed to explain himself. "If you saw me earlier, then I-It's really not what you think, I just left my medication-"

Ring! Ring!

Ring! Ring!

Your phone rang loudly despite the intrigue you had in this current conversation. You would've ignored it if it was a friend calling.. though this is your parents you're talking about here. "Mm. Sorry, hold that thought.. let me take this call for a second." You turned yourself away from Shiro while you pressed to answer your call--and in the meantime you remained unaware of his stare intensifying rapidly.

He parted his lips ever so slowly, like he was going to say something. But his voice got trapped in his throat. "..." Shiro had no choice other than to stand there and wait- it's not that he minds, it's just.. When you confront him like that, when you look him in the eyes as though he's his own person... he suddenly remembers that he's not just his brother's shadow. He is Shiro.

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now