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As it was the following morning, you quickly got dressed and checked the time. Since it was your first day of school you automatically woke up earlier than most. You brushed your hair as well as your teeth, making sure you looked your absolute best.

"Okay, I think I'm ready..." You smiled to yourself, turning towards the front door. As you walked toward it, you couldn't help but sneak once last glance toward your attic, feeling shivers all over. "Once I get back home then I'll check again. Hopefully there isn't any... G-Ghosts.." You whispered, carefully twisting the knob upon your exit.

As you stepped outside, you felt the warm breeze and sun rays which tickled your nose. It felt satisfying to start a new life, and admittedly -- you were excited!

You strolled about the streets with generous care, waving towards those around and wishing them a good morning. Most of them stared, since they didn't know you at all.

Eventually you parked in front of the school's impressive facade; with three stories, finely trimmed grass and bushes, not to mention the cleanliness. A few students passed by you, oblivious to your gleaming presence. You took slow steps inside, and made your way to the Faculty's office.

A timeskip is in progress.
One moment please.
>[Time: 8:06 AM]<

As soon as you met with your homeroom teacher, you were temporarily sidetracked by the warm aura she emanated. She looked to be in her late twenties, with a beauty mark mole near the corner of her lip, midnight blue hair locked into one long braid, and rectangular lenses which sat on the bridge of her nose in front of her sparkling red eyes. She handed you your schedule, explaining it with a calm tone and gentle smile. "Alright, Miss [L/N], I'll direct you to my homeroom class, classes has just begun so I'll have you introduce yourself."

You eagerly nodded, and followed behind her with an anxious demeanor. "Oh, by the way." The woman's voice caused your glance. She looked at you, cradling a few books in her arms. "I'm Sensei Iki, I hope you have a wonderful time here, and if you need anything don't hesitate to approach me."

Sensei Ikki smiled once more, and it wasn't long before you both reached the classroom. You could hear the obnoxious teenagers laughing and goofing off, this simply forged more eagerness into you.

The woman held up her index finger. "Stand outside until I tell you to come in, I'll have to calm the class down."

Sensei Iki entered, and everyone immediately went silent like they've seen a ghost. She began talking to the students, only to hear gasps and more chattering. She then turned her head towards the partly-opened door, signalling for your entrance with a kind gesture.

You became hesitant for a split second, before pushing open the door to enter. Everyone began cooeing as soon as they spotted you, and you eventually stopped in front of the podium. Your hand stretched for the chalk, and your body twirled to write down your first and last name against the board. "My name is [F/N] [L/N], I'm pleased to meet you all!"

You turned back around, then bowed nervously, and rather quickly. A loud thud was heard, as well as a yelp from your lips. You managed to slam your forehead against the end of the podium hard due to your tension, and everyone bursted into laughter.

"Ah.. Um..." You regained composure and sat up, rubbing your forehead. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes.

This was humiliating.

"Look, she's about to cry!"

Sensei Iki forced an awkward smile, before grabbing everyone's attention by a simple cough. "Does anyone have an extra seat beside them?"

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now