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You were startled by the answer you were given.

What were you expecting anyway? Some kind of gift from God for some few seconds of triumph? Talk about pathetic. You bit your lower lip and then relaxed your attention onto the name tag you were still holding. Just looking at it made your heart sting... yet you refused to bury this pain.

It felt like a relic; one you wished to keep.
"Iisei.." You whispered. Kirigiri scoffed, somewhat confused, but moreover disturbed by the fact that you were so focused on something that wasn't interesting at all. An irrelevant student's name tag? What the hell's so jaw-dropping about that? "Just throw it away. I dunno how it got here, but we don't have any classmates by that name."

She waved her hand dismissively, then went back to clinging onto an annoyed Seiichiro who pressed his hand against her shoulder and attempted to shift away-- this time with a lot more calm. He looked stressed out by this girl's intrusive attitude.

"I see..." Coming from your right hand been Shiro's voice; distinctively discontent. His tone wasn't like anything you've heard before--he sounded as though something terrible overtook his personality, quick to reveal his lips shaped into a frown along with his darkened crimson optics. His stare was hooked right onto you, making you feel like a piece of meat locked between the jaws of a hungry predator.

"..Not this time either."

With the way he was looking at you, you flinched, thinking that statement was solely directed towards you .. however, it was entirely aimed towards himself. Shiro got out of his seat and promptly gathered the rest of his materials to sit aside. He laid a glance over at the three of you, before parting mysteriously in silence. "Shiro, where are you going?" His brother had to stop him in his tracks before he could leave the door- otherwise he would've kept going without a single thought.

"I'm just going to the vending machines before our next class starts. I figured some fresh air wouldn't hurt." The youngest left not a second after his statement, leaving you worried when the classroom door slid closed in a heavy click.

"Jeez, he was in a good mood just a moment ago?" Said Seiichiro, finally escaping Kirigiri's grasp. The young lady on the other hand let out a dramatic gasp, and you were forced to look at her sarcasm. "Wow, he was in a good mood? I could totally tell." It's obvious she couldn't distinguish his apathy from a pile of rocks. You rolled your eyes and then decided to resume minding your own business, what more-- you had to finish the rest of your notes before the next class begins.

You sneaked a little glance towards the notebook on Shiro's desk, a little tempted to snag it if the offer still stood. In the end you figured it didn't matter either way- just by what you've seen in both of the young men so far; they were generous. With that reassurance, you took it upon yourself to take it and get right to work copying notes.

Later within the day, your homeroom class received a lunch break. This was the point in the day where all the students could relax and take their minds off of their studies as they ate their food and mingled. But for you, you felt quite abandoned as many of your peers went off to collect themselves in groups, duos, etc-- some pushing their desks together and others sitting on each other's desks. Being one of the new students automatically meant surrendering to being the social outcast.. that's something you didn't want to accept.

You took out your packed lunch and then slowly treaded your eyes to your right as you noticed a quiet Shiro also taking out his lunch. Unlike yours, his meal was less of a meal at all.. and more like a light snack. There was only banana milk and melon bread sitting on his desk, so you automatically broke the quietude between the two of you. "Is that your idea of a full meal?"

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