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After your unintentional hangout with Seiichiro, you prepared to go to sleep for today.

You got the rest of your home settled up nicely, took a shower, and then had a small dinner. You seriously couldn't wait to hit the bed. "Ah.." You exhaled after you plopped down against your mattress covered by your comfortable bed comforter, smiling as you closed your eyes.

Relaxing is the best part of anyone's day. "I can't wait to sleep..." You rolled over onto your side, the feeling of your blankets being enough to lull you to sleep alone. So you quickly reached for your bedside lamp and turned it off.. it was only a matter of time before sleep fully conquered your consciousness.

From then onwards you slept peacefully throughout the night. Sure you tossed and turned here and there... only to go right back to drooling against your pillow. But, what'd suddenly awaken you wasn't the constant need to flip your pillow-- but a loud creak coming from above you. Your eyes slowly opened and then you went to slowly blink away your groggy haze, afterwards you laid there in silence. "Mm.." You groaned tiredly. When you spared a glance to your nearest clock you saw that it was two in the morning, causing you to sigh as your peaceful sleep was so rudely interrupted.

Naturally you assumed it was nothing so you curled up and pulled your blanket over your head... yet the second you happened to close your eyes-- you heard another creak above. This time it was a lot less subtle and more distinguishable, like the wooden planks in the attic were pressed against some considerable pressure.

Pushed on alert, you sat up at attention and then rubbed your face using your pajama sleeve delicately to wipe away your dreariness. 'What the..' You thought. Eventually you reached over and turned on your lamp, quickly filling your area with some light.

As much as you wanted to ignore it, you shuddered upon recalling Seiichiro mentioning potential rodents that lie upstairs. Rats? Possums? Raccoons??! The entire list of the animal kingdom swept your mind while you gripped your covers. You were really beginning to get the creeps just thinking about it! No way were you about to be haunted at night by nocturnal night critters, not to mention that you didn't plan on going down without a fight.

You threw yourself out of bed and then grabbed your phone. Afterwards you slipped on your slippers and then proceeded out into your hallway where the closed attic stood above you. "Um." Now that you were standing there, at around two in the morning, no less -- you were forced to rethink.

Of course you had no reason to do so, but you were utterly mortified by something jumping out at you... Which is why you went ahead and grabbed a broom while you were at it. "Okay.. time to test the waters..." Using the end of the broomstick you thudded it up against the trapdoor, creating enough noise to perhaps scare off anything that may be up there. And to your surprise, you heard yet another light thud on the other side in response.. assuring you of your troubles.

"..There's definitely something up there."

You reached up to tug on the rope extending from the closed trapdoor and tugged on it a few times so you could spawn the foldable ladder. As it unfolded before your eyes in a resounding thud, you shifted your eyes up towards the darkness awaiting you upstairs. It looked pretty alarming, as if one step inside would allow the darkness to swallow you whole only to never be spat out. Regardless, you conquered your cowardice and turned on your phone's flashlight. Then clenching your broomstick, you marched right upstairs.

The small attic you stepped into creaked after every step you took against the slightly reinforced wood. Immediately you went scattering for the ceiling light, tugging on the rope to fill the room with light so you wouldn't be too vulnerable with only your phone's flashlight and the barely escapable moonlight.

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now