High School (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Oh nothing, don't mind my problem just continue with what you're gonna do, you're gonna study right? I'll just go outside" she went out quickly.

I know that what I'm doing right now is wrong but I just wanna know what happened to her so that I can help her. I'm looking through some of her stuffs. Sesh, so many garbage on her desk.


It's not actually garbage, she just crampled it. I looked at the paper and it was her test in math, 18 out of 50. She had their exams earlier, all she did yesterday is meet up with the props team and do the props with them.

She does not have any time management. She's not dividing her time well that's why she failed her exam. Haiyst.

Saw her again crying when she came back to our room. Wait, why am I becoming so soft? Maybe I'm just used to her always smiling.

I'm currently in our classroom for our training. I'll ask Mr. Lee for a remedial for Sana, I'll try to convince him. I went to the Teacher's Lounge.

"Good morning sir" I said.

"You're already done?" he asked.

"Not yet sir"

"Oh what brings you here then?" he's texting someone.

"Sir I have a friend who failed your exam, can you reconsider giving her a remedial exam??"

"Oh I can't do that Tzuyu"


"Can't do that, go back answering the textbooklets"

"Sir I know that you made a mess in the lab and the principal said to you to clean it at the end of the class and also you have a date later, it would be rude if you're gonna cancel that, maybe she'll not text you back anymore"

Mr. Lee is in Tinder. Saw it on his phone. He's finding someone because he does not want to be alone anymore.

He is now thinking about what I said. Feel like he is already attached to the girl he's texting.

"Fine, only for your friend okay??"

"Yes sir" yeyyyy I made a 2nd chance to Sana.

"Who is your friend here?"


"Sana? She always have low scores in my class"

"Really sir?"

"Yes if this second chance is also a fail, I'll fail her for sure. If not and made it atleast the 75% of the score, I might give her not the highest grade and also not the lowest grade"

"Yes sir thank you sir"

"Call her"

"Okie dokie sir"

"Just do what you promised to me okay?"

"Of course sir" I smiled before leaving the place.

I went to the auditorium and looked for Sana.

"What is this hottie doing here?" said Nayeon.

"Good Morninggg can I ask where Sana is?"

"I'm right here" she's on the top of the ladder.

"Hey be careful going down" I said to her. The ladder is kinda moving.

"Yesssss" her voice is really sweet.

"What brings you here by the way?"

"Mr. Lee is calling you"

"Really?!" she went down the ladder as fast as she could. Her foot was stuck in the corner so that made her fall but luckily, I caught her. People around us screamed, Jihyo screamed the loudest.

"I told you to be careful" I said. She's now touching the ground and I realized that I'm still hugging her. I immidiately removed it.

"So-sorry" she fixed her posture and still looking at me.

"Ayieeeeeee" they teased us.

"Wut" I said to them like that meme.

"Come on now" I told Sana and went down the stage. I'm already in the halfway and Sana is still standing there.

"HEY!!" I shouted.

"Oh yeah, so-sorry" she ran towards me.

I need to finish answering the booklet, looks like I'll be leaving her.

"I'll be heading now"

"You'll leave me?" she asked.

"Uhm yeah, I still need to finish answering the booklet that Mr. Lee gave to us"

"Ohhh ... okay"

In the middle of answering, we heard Sana yelling 'Yes!'. I kinda smiled at that.

Time to cleannnnn yey, in sarcastic voice. She should not better be wasting that 2nd chance. I invested my whole night cleaning this lab instead of studying. Let's play music so we won't get bored.


"Okay everyone, good job we can all go home for now" I said to my fellow members.

We bid each other goodbyes. I was the last person to leave the auditorium.

Ehhh? There's still someone here? I went to the lab to see who's still here. On my way there, I already heard someone singing. Ohhh my favorite song, Love story by Taylor Swift.


She's scrubing the ground while singing. I thought she's in the dorm already.

'A friend of yours told me about how you've been doing and I find that you are very busy so I can give you that remedial test in my class, I'll give you two days to prepare, it's a 75 long test since you have a lot of low scores'

A friend huh?


A post Tzuyu Birthday present and also


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