15: Ted Bundy

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The look of horror hasn't left my face since Tiana had left my room. The lack of comfort I felt by Tiana touching me made me feel violated. 

Like borderline rape.

Why do you feel so horrible, Rachel? She's your best friend. People always do weird stuff with their best friends. 

Where is this actually coming from?

I should probably apologize to Tiana for acting out. After all, she's my most loyal friend.

I casually stroll to Tiana's place. I knock exactly three times, signaling it's me, and she swiftly opens the door. "Oh, Rachel, I'm so sorry," she espouses me into a hug.

"No, I'm sorry," I shake my head. "I had no reason to act out like that. I don't know what came over me. How can I make it up to you?"

"Well, there is one way," she beams. "Let's go off campus to that college party going on down the street tomorrow. A fun Saturday! I got invited by my older sister's friends, and you can be my plus one?" she pleads.

"Sure, why not," I shrug my shoulders.

"Thank you so much!" she cries.


"This party is so fun!" I scream at the top of my lungs over the noise.

"I know, right! I'm gonna get us drinks! After all, we are 21 here!" She winks.

I was wrong thinking Tiana could ever intentionally make me uncomfortable. I let Kiara's anger get the best of me. 

Tiana runs back to me with two shot cups. She hands me the one on her right hand. "Shots!" she screeches, already half-drunk. I down my shot and begin to feel slightly tipsy. Wow, these shots must be strong! My tolerance isn't usually so low.

Abruptly, I become overwhelmingly weak. "Tiana," I whisper before collapsing to the ground.


My eyes slowly open, revealing nothing but darkness. 

Am I at a hospital?

I try to get up, but my arms and legs are tied with what felt like tight ropes. What the hell is going on?

My eyes are wide open at this point, scanning the room, trying to find where I was.

Struggling to let myself free, I feel something, or someone, get on the bed and put their finger over my mouth. 

I hear a roll of tape aggressively open, and the bastard covers my mouth with a piece. I begin screaming, but it wasn't working. 

The person turns on a candle, letting a little bit of light reflect the person's body.

It looks like... a naked young woman?!

Swiftly, the girl sits on top of me, her pussy on my stomach. She starts rubbing it back and forth as she moans softly, gripping on to my arms.

Then, with a soft chuckle, there's a gun to my head. "I'm gonna take this tape off," she says with a smile in her voice. "if you make one noise, I'm gonna blow your brains out."

I can't believe it. It's Tiana. 

Tiana is raping me.

She rips off the tape. I look up at her in horror, keeping my mouth absolutely shut. Tears begin to stream out of my eyes.

She smirks and cocks the gun. "It's loaded," she says as she places it down beside her. She nears toward me trying to touch her lips with mine. I move my head away several times and she slaps me across the face. "You're gonna obey or I'm gonna fucking kill you, bitch," she says through clenched teeth as she smashes her face with mine into a long, sloppy, kiss.

She spits on her fingers and starts fingering herself. She giggles and then removes my dress and high heels. 

Here I am, butt naked, with my best friend raping me in God knows where.

She adjusts my legs and starts rubbing her clit against mine, softly and then more aggressively. She moans loudly and grabs on to my breasts. 

"Oh, baby," she sighs as I feel her cum start to drip against my pussy.

She slides her fingers into my vagina. Horrified, I attempt to struggle out of the ropes.

She takes her fingers out and licks them obnoxiously. She then goes on top of me and starts rubbing our breasts together while she grabs my head and forces me to kiss her neck.

The entire time, tears wouldn't stop tumbling down my cheeks. She slaps me against the face once again. "Listen to me," she grabs the gun and puts it in my mouth. "I'm gonna let you out of the ropes, you're gonna eat my pussy and you're gonna eat it well until I cum. If you fail to obey me you will die. So don't try anything silly," she smiles and I nod my head in terror. 

She releases me from the ropes and she lays in the bed with her legs wide open. I stare at her for a few seconds in disappointment. "Come on now," she says in her bubbly voice while she twirls the gun around her fingers.

"Be careful with that," I mutter. I finally go under and begin sucking on her clit. She grabs onto my head and moans. "Keep going, that feels so good," she breathes. I lick her back and forth. After a couple of seconds, I already feel the cum start to dribble down onto the bed. 

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" She shrieks as I rub while continuing to lick. This feels so dirty.

I feel so dirty.

I stop abruptly and stand up from the bed. 

Puzzled, Tiana points the gun at me, aimed at my face.

"What the hell are you doing?"

I raise my hands above my head and put my head down while blurting out, "You are fucking crazy. I'm not letting you do this to me anymore. I thought we were best friends. And you just drugged me, brought me into this random room, tied me up, and raped me, while threatening me with a gun. You need help. Shoot me if you want, but I'm not doing this shit anymore. I'm going back to school."

A wave of guilt flows over Tiana. "We aren't best friends, Rachel. You're oblivious. I'm in love with you, and I have been since day one. Can't you see that? This was the only way you'd notice me. Please, notice me," she begs while putting the gun down.

I quickly put my clothes back on and stand toward the door with my hands still in the air. "Tiana," I sigh while turning the light on. "I never want to see you or speak to you again. I'm leaving."

"Wait!" She cries out, with tears in her eyes. "Rachel, please don't do this. I'm so alone. I need you in my life. I love you so much."

"I don't love you," I say coldly while opening the door and slamming it behind me.

Life really throws fucking curveballs at you.


Hey guys! Sorry, it was such a long chapter, and sorry I haven't been posting much lately! I just wanted to warn y'all, my writing is extremely explicit and for mature readers. If you don't like this type of literature, I'm sorry. I will be updating soon! Sorry for the cliffhanger! I love you all! Especially my most loyal reader:


More coming soon! 

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