12: The Crazy Idea

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After a few minutes of sitting in silence, Tiana finally says something.

"But wait, I have an idea," she says wisely.

"What is it?"

"Well, why don't you just find a girl to be with, chill with her, and make Kiara jealous?" Tiana shrugs her shoulders.

"Tiana, Tiana, Tiana. There's so many reasons that is the dumbest idea ever! I can name three at the top of my head!"

"Go for it," she says in a challenging tone.

"Well, I-" I sputter. "Well, okay! First of all, Kiana is straight. So how will that even work?"

"And how exactly do you know that? It's 2020, bitch. Ain't nobody straight."

"Okay, fine!" I fumble with my words. "Let's say she likes girls. She's probably not the jealous type! Oh, and she just got out of a relationship! Also, she will never see her best friend, AKA me, in that way! And one more thing. Who the hell is going to want to hook up with me just to make a person jealous?!"  

"Shut up, enough with the excuses," she groans. "And that's the dumbest question ever."

"What are you implying?"

"You're standing right in front of a girl that is willing to help you."


"Shhh," Tiana puts a finger on my lips. "We're going to pretend to hang out to make Kiara jealous. It will work, trust me."

"So you're saying in order for me to get my crush, AKA my best friend, to like me back, I have to pretend date my other best friend to make her jealous?!"

"If you want to word it like that. But yeah, basically."

"You're high. Literally."

"You know what they say. High you takes out the smartest in you."

"They don't say that," I cross my arms around my chest.

"Well, when I'm high, I'm all truth and logic. So therefore, shut the fuck up," Tiana flicks me on the head.

"Alright fine! I'll go along with your stupid plan," I mutter and playfully slap her shoulder.

"Good! So our plan will start a week from now." 

"What? Why? That's too far away!" I want Kiara to like me as soon as fucking possible!

"Because bozo," Tiana says. "We have to ease into it. Leave little clues. We can't do it right away! First off, you just broke up with Dylan, and second off, you have to wait for the whole kissing thing to die down! It's the smartest thing to do."

Hmm. She's right.

"You're a genius," I grin and give her a huge hug. 

"I know, Kiara, I know," she says wisely while hugging me back.

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