11: Best Friend's Support

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I decide to call Tiana and tell her everything that happened.

I dial her number and she immediately answers.

"Hey! Good game tonight!" Tiana says.

"Thanks," I mutter.

"What happened? Y'all won. Did you do it?"

"Yeah, I broke up with him. But shit just went down."

"I'm coming over," she says and immediately hangs up. 

I lay in bed waiting for Tiana to arrive. What the hell am I even doing? I have no idea how to have sex with a girl. What if we had went all the way? I would've made myself look like a complete fool! Oh, who am I kidding. I'm such a dumbass.

I hear a knock on the door and my heart skips a beat, with a sliver of hope that it was Kiara.

Obviously not, though.

I open the door and Tiana embraces me into a bear hug. I smile. Having a friend there for you, even in the hardest times, is the one of the best feelings ever.

We sit on the floor together and I start telling her everything that happened.

When I finish, Tiana sits there with the blankest look of her face. She takes a hit on her dab pen and exhales slowly, the smoke quickly going away as she waves her hand back and forth in the air.

"I'm totally fucked," I groan.

"Back up a little. You're not fucked," Tiana says with an interesting face.

"How am I not?"

"Did you ever say you liked her?"

"Well, no--"

"Exactly. So how the hell are you fucked?"

"Because-" Then I realized she was right. We kissed, we did some other stuff. But I never told her I actually liked her! I just told her I liked girls in general.

I slowly sink to the ground dramatically and and sigh loudly.

"Good!" I breathe. "Let's keep it that way, please."

Tiana closes her eyes with agreement and takes another hit.

"So what the hell are we gonna do now?" I ask her. "This is all too much."

"We'll figure it out," she pats me on the shoulder.

"This is literally the longest and most complicated year of my life."

"How do you think I feel? I was a boy three years ago," Tiana rolls her eyes. "You shouldn't be complaining about 'long and complicated'".

I snort. "I guess you're right."

A look of anger forms on her face as she inhales on her vape several times and nothing comes out. "Piece of shit is dead. Piece of fucking shit," she mutters, shoving the dab pen in her pocket.

"Good! You shouldn't be doing that gay shit anyway," I teasingly laugh in her face.

"I wouldn't be talking about gay if I were you!"

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