4: Few Months Later

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"The list of the teams are finally here!" Kiara grabs my hand and drags me to the bulletin board.

I go directly to varsity and scan through the list.

"We both made it!" Kiara espouses me into a big bear hug.

She smells pleasant, like Bath and Body Works products.

"There's a hangout going on, it's super lowkey. Can you come?" she clutches my hand tight.

"Do I really have an option?"

"You're right, you don't," she grins.

On our way to this "hangout", I go deep in my thoughts.

I have had philosophies that Dylan likes me, but I just disregard them, given that it'll probably never occur.

We arrive and everybody greets Kiara and me, and she pulls me over to sit with Jayden and Tiana, my new close friend.

Jayden instantly grabs Kiara and embraces her into a kiss, and she giggles and sits on his lap.

Initially, I thought they were adorable together, but now I'm having doubts.

They seem kind of fake. Well, not fake, but, you know what I'm implying.

They just don't seem suitable for each other, okay?!

I shake my head and turn to Tiana. "I made the team!" I inform her.

"Dude, that's awesome. I'm not surprised anyway," She winks at me and takes a sip of her beer. "And by the way, no drinking or smoking for you. Not during the season," she raises her eyebrow at me.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious, I think I fucking know that," I snort.

"I know I'm Captain Obvious. Since we're stating obvious facts here, I know that you have an enormous crush on Kiara and you're jealous that she's with Jayden," she murmurs in my ear.

Hold up.


Slow down.

Rewind real quick.


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