Part 10

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Last part I tried to stop my story with a cliffhanger. But you guys are amazing and intelligent than me. When I tried to end it with the cliffhanger that who caught Bela from back you all guessed it right. Now I understood that I should work hard to come with a cliffhanger or something to amaze you.

Bela tried to scream but that person closed her mouth with his hands. She tried all ways to escape but all were failure. Suddenly that person called her,belaa in a sweet way. Bela at once understood who it was was. She turned back,
'Mahir ji aap?"
"Ha,Bela I was not able to sleep and felt thirsty too. When I came to kitchen I initially thought that there was thief standing when I saw you. So I grabbed you but then understood it is you. But you thought I'm someone else"

Bela:But you thought I'm a thief.
Both laughed. Bela took a glass of water and gave it to mahir. When he was drinking water,he suddenly noticed something.
Mahir: Bela don't move.
Bela:What mahir ji?
Mahir:On your neck
Bela:I'm afraid of cockroaches help me
Mahir:Don't move even a bit. I'll help

When mahir tried to throw away that cockroach it flied to somewhere. But our Bela was tensed. Seeing the cockroach she tried to move away but she slipped and mahir tried to catch her. But at last both fell down,mahir on top of her. Mahir for the first time felt something different for her. He found it difficult to take off eyes from her. Bela's condition was also the same. Mahir went more close to her. He was about to kiss her. But when their lips were about to meet they heard a cough,it was kuhu😂

Kuhu:When Yuvi told me I didn't believed it. But now I got to know what he told was true.
Behir got up from their position. Both were embarrassed
Mahir: What did Yuvi told you?
Kuhu:Yuvi told me that you're extremely romantic. Always you're seen to be a serious person and you're unwilling to marriage also. So I didn't belived him. But now I saw it really. It's not your room. It's kitchen. Bela bhabhi you should teach him everything.

Bela:Nothing like that. Actually I fell ...
Kuhu:Don't stammer go and sleep tomorrow onwards you can do whatever you want.
Behir blushed hard and went to their room
Kuhu:Mahir bhai has now became a romantic hero. Thank god (she said to herself)


"Mam please wear seat belts" air hostess said to Bela who was hell nervous.
Mahir helped Bela in wearing the seat belt.
Bela:Mahir ji what if this flight crashes?
Mahir:Bela please don't overthink. Everything will be all right. I have travelled in flight a lot of times. It's not dangerous. Please relax.
When the flight was landing Bela in fear caught mahir's hands tightly.
Soon they reached. After checking and all other procedures they went to the hotel booked for them in Shimla.

Shimla as usual was chilling and yet a romantic place. They already booked 2 rooms in a hotel. Behir went to the hotel.
'Sir I think because of some technical mistake we got only the order for one room" said the receptionist
"One room? But how? We booked for 2 rooms days ago." Mahir was angry
"Sorry sir now there's no extra room available. Please adjust. Whatever it is its your wife. Why you can't stay with her in the same room" receptionist asked.
Bela:That's our matter. You don't intrude into that.
So they decided to stay in the same room. Sumitra told them to visit places in shimla and Manali but there plan was to stay in the hotel room only and lie to Sumitra.

They arranged there luggages in the room. As both were tired they decided to sleep but then they found that there was only a bed no couch.
Bela:No problem,I'll sleep on floor
She said taking a bed sheet and pillow with her.
Mahir:Bela it's too cold here. If you sleep on floor then next day you won't be even able to walk. Your whole body will ache. You sleep on bed I'll sleep on chair.
Bela:Mahir ji you advised me now what you're doing. If you sleep sitting then also your whole body will ache.
Mahir:We can sleep on same bed. We can place a pillow in between if you trust me. I won't even come near you.

Bela thought for a while and said,"Yes I trust you"

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